Customize Studio 10.2 runtime app name (mac)

Phil (OmnisList) phil at
Fri Dec 11 18:05:22 EST 2020

Hi Andrew,

Recently been trying this, and not had any crashing issues as you mention.

All works as expected, we change the name, variables, icons and added 
xcomps, and fully codesign and notarize the installer package.

After which it fully installs without any right click install option.

Tests so far have been limited to Catalina, as we iron out some minor 
glitches, seemingly due to the upgrade of Omnis.

The new tool looks interesting, but not used that successfully as yet.
Had some codesigning issue with my brief test?

Phil Potter
Based in Chester in the UK.

On 09/12/2020 17:49, Andrew Stolarz wrote:
> In the past (studio 8.1.6) runtimes, I would rename my to our
> application name, and change a few variables inside the Infoplist.strings.
> When I do that now in 10.2, omnis simply crashes every time I try to launch
> it (just reported it to omnis).
> Has anyone else successfully renamed the 10.2 runtime app?
> Im running osx 10.14.6
> Andrew

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