packages installer - osx and notarization

Phil (OmnisList) phil at
Thu Dec 10 05:04:12 EST 2020


I recently was building an installer for an OS10.2 app, and remembered a 
step, which probably makes the difference to you dropping the xcomps 
into application support.

One you've probably done without thinking when notarizing your app.

When downloading any file over the internet, the Mac Os in its wisdom 
adds a quarantine attribute, you have to remove that attribute for it to 
work fine in Application support.

xattr -r -d <filename>

Phil Potter
Based in Chester in the UK.

On 19/11/2020 10:55, Mike Matthews - Omnis wrote:
> Hmm, oddly I did that with a new BrainyData PDF xComp, and I was told to remove it or loose it.
> And I was putting it into the Application support folders, not the main folder.
> But if I put it into the program package, I don’t get any warning and all is fine.
> Which reads like the opposite of what you are doing Phil?
> Hmmm...
> Mike

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