Code signing 10.2 runtime with obrowser

Andy Hilton andyh at
Sun Dec 6 09:28:21 EST 2020

To anyone wanting to use obrowser in 10.2, please note Omnis have slightly changed the Chromium Embedded Framework for 10.2 and you need to add a couple of additional lines to your code signing script as there are now 3 apps embedded in the obrowser xcomp - what also then tripped me up for a while was how you actually need to encode these file names too - the 2 extra files are : 

Helper (GPU).app and Helper (Renderer).app

But the ( and ) characters within the app names need the same treatment as spaces do, so the extra line required are as per below :

codesign -f -o runtime --entitlements <path to folder containing>/extended_entitlements.plist --timestamp --verbose -s "Developer ID Application: <developer details>” <appname>.app/Contents/MacOS/xcomp/obrowser.u_xcomp/Contents/Frameworks/obrowser\ Helper\ \(GPU\).app/
codesign -f -o runtime --entitlements <path to folder containing> /extended_entitlements.plist --timestamp --verbose -s "Developer ID Application: <developer details>"  <appname>.app/Contents/MacOS/xcomp/obrowser.u_xcomp/Contents/Frameworks/obrowser\ Helper\ \(Renderer\).app/

And now the obrowser component will work after signing :)

Andy Hilton
Totally Brilliant Software Inc
Phone (US) : (863) 409 4870 
Phone (UK) : 0207 193 8582
Web : <> 
Helpdesk :
Email : andyh at

Nb I found this by dragging one of the named apps into Terminal which then showed me the correct way to name it in my script !!!!

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