R: Complex Gird $fieldstyle for $dividers
Giacomo Manzoli
giacomom at 888sp.it
Wed Jan 23 02:38:03 EST 2019
> If you add a column you can repeat that if necessary, but these objects don't have a $fieldstyle property, and the complex grid's $fieldstyle doesn't reach in to affect them.
Unfortunately, i've seen. So i thinks to achive this as "not possible", thanks guys!
Giacomo Manzoli
Ricerca & Sviluppo
888 Software Products S.r.l.
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-----Messaggio originale-----
Da: omnisdev-en <omnisdev-en-bounces at lists.omnis-dev.com> Per conto di Kelly Burgess
Inviato: martedì 22 gennaio 2019 22:49
A: OmnisList <omnisdev-en at lists.omnis-dev.com>
Oggetto: Re: Complex Gird $fieldstyle for $dividers
Hi Giacomo,
> I'm trying to to it statically, during the design of the window, by assign the $fieldstyle property of the ComplexGird to a custom style, but i'm starting to think that it's simply not possible.
If I open a window in design mode and select the complex grid object using the notation inspector's search tool, the property manager focuses on it. Then I drill down in the notation inspector and select the numbered dividers, and I can go to the property manager and manually assign the $posn, $linestyle and $forecolor.
If you add a column you can repeat that if necessary, but these objects don't have a $fieldstyle property, and the complex grid's $fieldstyle doesn't reach in to affect them.
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