$runapplescript and MacOS Mojave

Michael Houlberg michael at houlbergdevelopment.com
Fri Nov 30 15:52:06 EST 2018


This turned out to be a big problem for me with both Omnis Studio 6.0 and 8.1.  It affects multiple programs I have out there for different customers.

I was using an object, oPaths_PlatformFolders, created by Doug Kuyvenhoven that he gave away for free which would return file paths to places like the user’s preferences, documents, desktop, and other places.  It was cross platform working for Mac, Windows and even Unix.  Kind of a handy thing.  The Mac portion relied upon AppleScript for most of it.

Under Mohave, if my user answers “No” to allowing my application to access the Finder, it creates a lot of problems.  In System Preferences/Security & Privacy/Automation under Mohave you will find where these permissions are kept.  If the user answers “No”, they don’t get another chance to turn it back on.

Luckily, current versions of my software make limited use of the oPaths object so I could write some new routines based on sys() functions and some extra parsing to get around it.

Some info can be found here:


Hope you find that interesting.

Michael Houlberg
Houlberg Development, LLC

> On Nov 30, 2018, at 8:51 AM, Thad Bogert <thad at technosolver.com> wrote:
> Hi All,
> Has anyone come across any issues with running AppleScript from Omnis on Mojave?  Every time we launch an AppleScript from Studio, the operating system prompts for permission to control the resource we are using via AppleScript i.e. the Finder and Terminal (for shell scripts).
> After allowing access to the resource, it’s hit or miss with the scripts actually functioning as expected.  And despite giving “Full disk access” and “Automation” access in the Security control panel.  We are continually prompted for access.
> Were are using Studio 4.3.2 so I am not sure that it is an issue with older versions 32bit versions of Omnis.
> Thanks
> Thad
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