O7: Colour for text on windows

Michael Mantkowski michaelj at clientrax.com
Fri Nov 9 07:46:45 EST 2018

Hi Jim,

This is how you can add a background text object to a window and adjust
various parameters.  $fontstyle is where you deal with bold, underline, etc.

Set reference lvRef to $iwindows.Test.$bobjs.$add(kText,3,3,50,138)
Calculate lvRef.$font as 7
Calculate lvRef.$fontsize as pick(sys(6)='X',9,12)
Calculate lvRef.$fontstyle as kPlain
Calculate lvRef.$textcolor as kBlack
Calculate lvRef.$backcolor as rgb(204,193,217)
Calculate lvRef.$align as kCenterJst
Calculate lvRef.$text as '<= Date'

Michael Mantkowski
ClienTrax Software

-----Original Message-----
From: omnisdev-en <omnisdev-en-bounces at lists.omnis-dev.com> On Behalf Of Jim
Sent: Thursday, November 8, 2018 6:23 PM
To: OmnisDev List - English <omnisdev-en at lists.omnis-dev.com>
Subject: O7: Colour for text on windows

A little while back Rudolf gave a good reply to how to create text with Bold
and underline through programming 
 does anyone know how to add colour to
text in a similar way?


JACSoft Programming Ltd. <http://www.jacsoft.co.nz/main.shtml>
> On 2/08/2018, at 10:02 pm, Rudolf Bargholz <rudolf at bargholz.ch> wrote:
> Hi Wendy,
> My solution takes into account, that in a text background object in a
report you can print bold, italic or underline text.
> I create a text variable in the report, then add a text background object
to the report with the contents "[MyVariable]" with $vertextend=kTrue. This
will print just like a normal entry field on the report. The trick is to
have a positioning after the field, which allows the field to print over
many lines, taking into account page breaks, and a positioning section
before the field. I override the $print in the before-positioning:
> Calculate ItemInfoLabelText as iItemInfoText Do 
> lStringFuncObj.$convertStringToLabelText(ItemInfoLabelText)
> Do default
> The $convertStringToLabelText does the following to the field reference
variable that is passed it from the report:
> If pos('<p>',pfString)>0
> Calculate pfString as replaceall(pfString,'<p>',chr(13,10))
> End If
> If pos('<p/>',pfString)>0
> Calculate pfString as replaceall(pfString,'<p/>',chr(13,10))
> End If
> If pos('<p />',pfString)>0
> Calculate pfString as replaceall(pfString,'<p />',chr(13,10)) End If 
> If pos('<P>',pfString)>0 Calculate pfString as 
> replaceall(pfString,'<P>',chr(13,10))
> End If
> If pos('<P/>',pfString)>0
> Calculate pfString as replaceall(pfString,'<P/>',chr(13,10))
> End If
> If pos('<P />',pfString)>0
> Calculate pfString as replaceall(pfString,'<P />',chr(13,10)) End If
> If pos('<b>',pfString)>0
> Calculate pfString as replaceall(pfString,'<b>',l_Bold) End If If 
> pos('<i>',pfString)>0 Calculate pfString as 
> replaceall(pfString,'<i>',l_Italic)
> End If
> If pos('<u>',pfString)>0
> Calculate pfString as replaceall(pfString,'<u>',l_Underline)
> End If
> If pos('<bi>',pfString)>0
> Calculate pfString as replaceall(pfString,'<bi>',l_BoldItalic)
> End If
> If pos('<ib>',pfString)>0
> Calculate pfString as replaceall(pfString,'<ib>',l_BoldItalic)
> End If
> If pos('<bu>',pfString)>0
> Calculate pfString as replaceall(pfString,'<bu>',l_BoldUnderline)
> End If
> If pos('<ub>',pfString)>0
> Calculate pfString as replaceall(pfString,'<ub>',l_BoldUnderline)
> End If
> If pos('<ui>',pfString)>0
> Calculate pfString as replaceall(pfString,'<ui>',l_ItalicUnderline)
> End If
> If pos('<iu>',pfString)>0
> Calculate pfString as replaceall(pfString,'<iu>',l_ItalicUnderline)
> End If
> If pos('<biu>',pfString)>0
> Calculate pfString as 
> replaceall(pfString,'<biu>',l_BoldItalicUnderline)
> End If
> If pos('<bui>',pfString)>0
> Calculate pfString as 
> replaceall(pfString,'<bui>',l_BoldItalicUnderline)
> End If
> If pos('<ubi>',pfString)>0
> Calculate pfString as 
> replaceall(pfString,'<ubi>',l_BoldItalicUnderline)
> End If
> If pos('<uib>',pfString)>0
> Calculate pfString as 
> replaceall(pfString,'<uib>',l_BoldItalicUnderline)
> End If
> If pos('<iub>',pfString)>0
> Calculate pfString as 
> replaceall(pfString,'<iub>',l_BoldItalicUnderline)
> End If
> If pos('<ibu>',pfString)>0
> Calculate pfString as 
> replaceall(pfString,'<ibu>',l_BoldItalicUnderline)
> End If
> If pos('</b>',pfString)>0
> Calculate pfString as replaceall(pfString,'</b>',l_Normal)
> End If
> If pos('</i>',pfString)>0
> Calculate pfString as replaceall(pfString,'</i>',l_Normal)
> End If
> If pos('</u>',pfString)>0
> Calculate pfString as replaceall(pfString,'</u>',l_Normal)
> End If
> If pos('</bi>',pfString)>0
> Calculate pfString as replaceall(pfString,'</bi>',l_Normal)
> End If
> If pos('</ib>',pfString)>0
> Calculate pfString as replaceall(pfString,'</ib>',l_BoldItalic)
> End If
> If pos('</bu>',pfString)>0
> Calculate pfString as replaceall(pfString,'</bu>',l_Normal)
> End If
> If pos('</ub>',pfString)>0
> Calculate pfString as replaceall(pfString,'</ub>',l_Normal)
> End If
> If pos('</ui>',pfString)>0
> Calculate pfString as replaceall(pfString,'</ui>',l_Normal)
> End If
> If pos('</iu>',pfString)>0
> Calculate pfString as replaceall(pfString,'</iu>',l_Normal)
> End If
> If pos('</biu>',pfString)>0
> Calculate pfString as replaceall(pfString,'</biu>',l_Normal)
> End If
> If pos('</bui>',pfString)>0
> Calculate pfString as replaceall(pfString,'</bui>',l_Normal)
> End If
> If pos('</ubi>',pfString)>0
> Calculate pfString as replaceall(pfString,'</ubi>',l_Normal)
> End If
> If pos('</uib>',pfString)>0
> Calculate pfString as replaceall(pfString,'</uib>',l_Normal)
> End If
> If pos('</iub>',pfString)>0
> Calculate pfString as replaceall(pfString,'</iub>',l_Normal)
> End If
> If pos('</ibu>',pfString)>0
> Calculate pfString as replaceall(pfString,'</ibu>',l_Normal)
> End If
> Each variable, e.g. "l_Normal " is associated with a value:
> l_Bold   binfromhex('1B02303030303030303123')
> l_BoldItalic   binfromhex('1B02303030303030303323')
> l_BoldItalicUnderline   binfromhex('1B02303030303030303723')
> l_BoldUnderline   binfromhex('1B02303030303030303523')
> l_Italic   binfromhex('1B02303030303030303223')
> l_ItalicUnderline   binfromhex('1B02303030303030303623')
> l_Normal   binfromhex('1B02303030303030303023')
> l_Underline   binfromhex('1B02303030303030303423')
> This emulates what happens when you manually enter text into a text
background report object on the report.
> The users can then enter a text
> Abc<b>DEF</b>ghi
> And the DEF will be printed in bold on the report.
> Regards
> Rudolf Bargholz
> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: omnisdev-en [mailto:omnisdev-en-bounces at lists.omnis-dev.com] Im 
> Auftrag von Wendy
> Gesendet: Donnerstag, 2. August 2018 09:02
> An: 'OmnisDev List - English' <omnisdev-en at lists.omnis-dev.com>
> Betreff: Bold in printing
> Hi
> I want the user to be able to bold text in a document - I am sure that
this worked some years ago but does not work any more - I am hoping someone
can help.
> The user can put [kbold] at the start of the text to bold and [kplain] at
the end , they can also put [knewline] - I then replace these with the
characters required - this works fine for the new line but not the bold.
> The characters I am using are
> Library variable GV_BOLD (Character   2) = con(chr(14),chr(2))
> Library variable GV_NORMAL (Character   2) = con(chr(14),chr(1))
> Library variable GV_NEWLINE (Character   1) = chr(13)
> What am I doing wrong? 
> Many thanks for your help
> Wendy Osbaldestin
> Wizard Computer Services
> Tel:  01260271647
> Mobile: 07740541021
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