Please free me from this - I'll PAY

Andrew Stolarz stolarz at
Tue Jan 30 14:14:18 EST 2018

Hi Das,

I noticed you are using. $prepare and then $execute.

I have never used these but I use $execdirect all the time. Have you tried
this instead?

Can someone explain the differences between the two? and why you would use
one method over the other?


On Tue, Jan 30, 2018 at 1:51 PM, Das Goravani <das at> wrote:

> Thank you Alex, you’re very kind
> I have tried what you recommended and guess what, it still will not
> $prepare the statement
> Sta: {INSERT INTO customers (cust_id) VALUES (nextval('seq_cust_id'))}
> Or
> Sta: {INSERT INTO customers (cust_id) VALUES (default)}
> Or
> Sta: {INSERT INTO customers (cust_id) VALUES (‘default’)}
> We have this down to the simplest form and it says “Unrecognized custom
> attribute”
> Then I put a value, 1, to see if it would work and it did not
> Sta: {INSERT INTO customers (cust_id) VALUES (1)}
> So something is wrong with my overhead… the way things are set up… but I
> think I’m doing something very basic.
> Basic in that first of all I’m just trying to insert a record with a
> sequence number, that’s it.  INSERT A RECORD.
> The row is in a Window actually from the sample’s provided so my names are
> Omnis’s names…from their samples…
> iSqlRow is a row defined from a SQL class and has the session object
> assigned.  Mind you using this row with a simple $insert command WORKS.
> But I can’t get a sequence number into that command.
> Now I see Doug has posted another method, which I’ll try, though it seems
> convoluted.
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