How do you call into a Table Class

Mayada Al-Kishtini malkishtini at
Mon Jan 29 18:33:37 EST 2018

To call a "public" method from a table class, you need to define a list/row variable as that table class and then call the method:

Define rowvar as your table class

Do <rowvar>.$<yourpublicmenthodname> Returns <the return value from your method>

I would create the method in an object class and call it from there the same way, by defining an object var in your window, if your method is not related to your table class.


-----Original Message-----
From: omnisdev-en [mailto:omnisdev-en-bounces at] On Behalf Of Das Goravani
Sent: Monday, January 29, 2018 6:17 PM
To: OmnisDev List - English
Subject: How do you call into a Table Class

To put code that would normally be behind a button on a window say, into a table class, and call it from the window, how do you do that call?

I just tried using the Notation Inspector, dragged over a line containing a new method I made in the table class, and the window doesn’t like that, it beeps and says that the method is not a valid child of the table class (uses other words).  

I can’t figure out ANY way to call a table class method from a window.  Please help. 
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