Getting the value from nextval()
Doug Easterbrook
doug at
Mon Jan 29 08:23:22 EST 2018
and if you have TM objs in your application for any reason at all .. you might want to look at two static methods. $prepareInsert and $prepareupdate
they achieve two things:
1) they tell you which fields are different in the smart list. so if you only updated one column — this makes an insert statement for you with 1 column, not the entire list of vars from the table
this alone, saves traffic to/from the database a substantial amount, especially if you have large binary objects in the table because omnis always set the value and uses it in a where statement as the default behaviour. this causes it to be ignored if it didn’t change. much faster.
2) and because of that we can insert or update against a query class that joins dozens of tables, as long as we only change variables in the MAIN table.
thats a very neat trick updating against query classes. and having fields from other joined tables. I can’t tell you how much that works well for us.
in $insert of the table class
Do TMOBJS.$prepareinsert(InsertString,otherThanStandardField,$cinst.$colcount,"DATE_UPDATED`DATE_ENTERED`EDITNUM`CHANGED_BY_E_SEQ",tempPrefix)
and same in $update
Doug Easterbrook
Arts Management Systems Ltd.
mailto:doug at
Phone (403) 650-1978
see you at the third annual users conference <>
> On Jan 29, 2018, at 4:24 AM, Rocco Ventura [Kunvi] <r.ventura at> wrote:
> Thanks Doug,
> That's your bag 😉
> Bye
> Rocco
> _________________________________
> Distinti saluti. Best regards.
> Rocco Dr. Ventura
> WMS Analist and Software Developer
> KUNVI srl - Experiences Holding -
> Email: r.ventura at - Mobile: +39 348 5186051
> -----Messaggio originale-----
> Da: omnisdev-en [mailto:omnisdev-en-bounces at] Per conto di Mirko Pepa
> Inviato: lunedì 29 gennaio 2018 11:45
> A: OmnisDev List - English <omnisdev-en at>
> Oggetto: Re: Getting the value from nextval()
> Thank You all for the code.
> I will implement that!!
> Best regards
> Mirko
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Mirko Pepa, dipl. Wirtschaftsinformatiker Profile GmbH, Schaffhauserstr. 103, 8400 Winterthur Tel. 052-213 63 33 | |
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Am 28.01.18 um 12:58 schrieb Doug Easterbrook <doug at>:
>> hi Mirko.
>> for years we have changed out $insert in the table vase to use the returning clause to get the default value. its about 15% faster than any other method of setting keys. we did a huge timing on it for large record sets.
>> anyway, as rocco says… use returning.
>> change $insert in the table class to do three things
>> 1) change your key feild from a bind far to DEFAULT.
>> eg, if the statement looks like insert into table (key) value (@[key])
>> replace @[key] with DEFAULT so that postgres lets the default value for that field work (which you wold set to nextval()
>> 2) append returning KEY to the end of the statement… eg
>> insert into table (key) value (@[key]) returning key
>> you can return more than one field … eg
>> insert into table (key) value (DEFAULT) returning key, field1,field2,
>> etc (where those are in the table)
>> 3) in the $insert method of the table class..
>> after you send the insert statement to postgres issue a fetch.
>> eg
>> fet chin to returnlist
>> you get values back for the returning clause
>> stick them into $cinst
>> eg
>> calc $cinst.key as returnList.key
>> (there are elegant ways to make this generic like assignrow … but thats up to you).
>> works very very very wall.
>> Doug Easterbrook
>> Arts Management Systems Ltd.
>> mailto:doug at
>> Phone (403) 650-1978
>> see you at the third annual users conference
>> 6
>> <
>> 86>
>>> On Jan 28, 2018, at 2:40 AM, Mirko Pepa <mirko.pepa at> wrote:
>>> Hello Das
>>>> If it can only be done with insertion, how do we for sure fetch that just inserted row back so we can see the number assigned?
>>> I have a field in every table, where I put a random number in it (at insertion), an right after insertion I search that record.
>>> like this:
>>> ;; iZufall is 'Random'
>>> Calculate iZufall as randintrng(1,1000000) Calculate XXISQ as
>>> con(mid($cinst.$cols.1.$name,1,3),'ISQ') ;; Field name for the random
>>> field is XX_ISQ Calculate $cinst.[XXISQ] as iZufall Do
>>> $cinst.$insert() Returns OK If not(OK) Quit method 1 End If Calculate
>>> Select as con('WHERE ',XXISQ,'=@[iZufall]') Do $cinst.$select(Select)
>>> Do $cinst.$fetch(1)
>>> Another method would be:
>>> Do $cinst.$insert() Returns OK
>>> If not(OK)
>>> Quit method 1
>>> End If
>>> Do $cinst.$sessionobject().$newstatement Returns Stat
>>> Do Stat.$execdirect(con("SELECT currval(pg_get_serial_sequence('",low(iServerTableName),"','",low(XXSEQ),"'));")) Returns #F ;; @OKSQL
>>> If flag false
>>> Do tSQLSession.$statementerror(Stat)
>>> End If
>>> Do Stat.$fetch(Row,1)
>>> Calculate Index as Row.C1
>>> Calculate Select as con('WHERE "',low(XXSEQ),'" = ',Index) Do
>>> $cinst.$select(Select) Do $cinst.$fetch(1) But You have to make sure,
>>> that it is in the same transaction. Otherwise some other insert could fire inbetween.
>>> And as a third method (and probably the best):
>>> Insert in Postgres can give back some values
>>> <>
>>> Insert into blablabla returning field With a statement You possibly
>>> could insert and then fetch the resulting new Primary Key. But I never did it. If You manage this, I would be *very* interested in the code.
>>> Greetings
>>> Mirko
>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> ------------------------------ Mirko Pepa, dipl.
>>> Wirtschaftsinformatiker Profile GmbH, Schaffhauserstr. 103, 8400
>>> Winterthur Tel. 052-213 63 33 | |
>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> ------------------------------
>>>> Am 28.01.18 um 06:17 schrieb Das Goravani <das at>:
>>>> One can issue a SELECT nextval(seq_field)
>>>> But how does one read the result in Omnis?
>>>> I am aware you can use nextval(seq_field) as a value in an INSERT
>>>> INTO statement but I’m wondering if we can get the value at the
>>>> beginning of data entry instead of after it’s inserted
>>>> If it can only be done with insertion, how do we for sure fetch that just inserted row back so we can see the number assigned?
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