NEW posts to the list - List archive health - please :-)

Marc De Roover omnis1 at
Mon Jan 29 07:12:47 EST 2018

Dear fellow Omnis (list)users,

In the last week I noticed that many new posts have been started by 
replying to a post and just changing the Subject.
For users using a mail client which is relying on the thread-ID’s to 
sort out the thread-order ( ex: MailMate ) this leads to reaaaally long 
threads and confusion, CONFUSION, . . . ( didn’t I see a mail about , 
. . . )

example: An’s  - Omnis 8.1.3  64bit with Frontbasedam has been forked 
for at least 13 subjects 69 mails ( an evil laughter emerges from the 
darkside of the list ) and counting.

For those having problems remembering the lists mail address ( like 
myself ):
"omnisdev-en at”

OR: click >  mailto:omnisdev-en at

OR ... you can simply copy it from a posting ;-) and past it in my NEW 
mail !!! ( quite high tech isn’t it :-) )

I feel this will not only help us, list readers, to better 
follow/respond to the messages, but also improve the quality of our so 
beloved list-archive and contain the darkside.

For those interested on learning more on “thread-ID”: I refer to 
post with subject: OT Omni-li(s)t-iquette - new post to the list

Many thanks in advance,


PS: @ the LIST-MOMS: what about to put a 
“start_a_new_thread_mail_to”-link ( like the above mail_to ) at the 
bottom of each post.
	a overhead which makes life sooooo much easier


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