Is library running on Citrix or Terminal Server? - Testing on existence/value of environment variable SESSIONNAME - Solution
Das Goravani
das at
Fri Jan 26 23:26:14 EST 2018
In 8.1.3 the following notation gives the session name, or first one if multiple
Do llist.$define(lSessionName)
Do $root.$sessions.$appendlist(llist,$ref.$name)
Calculate lSessionName as lst(llist,1,lSessionName)
llist is a local variable of list type
lSessionName is character
> On Jan 26, 2018, at 7:40 AM, bub <buppeke at> wrote:
> Hey all,
> I would love to find out if my library is running on Citrix or Terminal Server.
> Apparently, the environment variable SESSIONNAME is only defined on Citrix or Terminal Server so that would be a way to find it out, even more specific
> Citrix client => SESSIONNAME starts with ICA
> Rdp client => SESSIONNAME starts with rdp
> Console session => SESSIONNAME starts with console
> Is there any DLL that can provide the value of an envirnoment variable like SESSIONNAME?
> Ok, just did some more effort in scrolling through historic posts and found similar construction to get username (which i changed now to sessionname)
> Register DLL ('kernel32','GetEnvironmentVariableA','ICCM')
> Call DLL ('kernel32','GetEnvironmentVariableA','SESSIONNAME',%%SESSIONNAME,255)
> So solution found, happy to share, might me be interesting for some
> Bruno.
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