
Plum Hollow Software plum_hollow at
Thu Jan 25 12:53:33 EST 2018

> On Jan 25, 2018, at 11:06 AM, Martin Luce via omnisdev-en <omnisdev-en at> wrote:
> Hi
> Just wondered if I am the only person with this problem. I have been doing some heavy recalculations which take several minutes on a new 27 ins Mac running 10.13.2 using 8.1.3
> I am finding that many ‘finds’ in the part of the method below are missed which has taken a lot of sorting out. I have just rerun the method and of 33566 ‘finds’, 15332 were missed the first time but found on the second. The method  which is recalculating a large number of records, includes
> 				Calculate L_Searches as L_Searches+1
> 				Set search as calculation {(F_StockPriceShort.SPS_StkNum=L_StkNum)&(F_StockPriceShort.SPS_Date>=Mem.M_DateSt)}
> 				Set main file {F_StockPriceShort}
> 				Find on F_StockPriceShort.SPS_StkNum (Use search)

				   What about a find first instead of Find On?

> 				If flag false
> 					Calculate L_Searches2 as L_Searches2+1
> 					Set search as calculation {(F_StockPriceShort.SPS_StkNum=L_StkNum)&(F_StockPriceShort.SPS_Date>=Mem.M_DateSt)}
> 					Set main file {F_StockPriceShort}
> 					Find on F_StockPriceShort.SPS_StkNum (Use search)
> 				End If
> 				If flag false
> 					Calculate L_Searches3 as L_Searches3+1
> 					Set search as calculation {(F_StockPriceShort.SPS_StkNum=L_StkNum)}
> 					Find last  (Use search)
> 				End If
> 				If flag false
> 					Breakpoint
> 				Else
> The breakpoint is not reached. It almost seems as if the machine is going too fast for itself or am I doing something wrong?
> Interestingly I can get the same problem when I have just made a pdf file of an invoice and immediately want to attach it to an email. I have to ReadBinFile twice sometimes to pick it up
> Martin
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