Your opinion about storing invoice line items as a list rather than records
Alex Clay
aclay at
Fri Jan 19 20:14:59 EST 2018
Absolutely store the line items as separate records. This normalizes the data ( <>) and has all kinds of benefits. Maintaining data integrity is chief among them.
Plus, if you store list data as binary, you can't access it with anything but Omnis. Keep away from lists in the database for the sake of developing stored procedures and exporting data if nothing else. There was a discussion on the Omnis list within the last year about storing lists in the database and IIRC the consensus recommended against the practice.
> On Jan 19, 2018, at 19:58, Das Goravani <das at> wrote:
> What’s your opinion about
> Line items of an invoice
> store them as a complete list in the invoice header, store a list with each invoice
> or store them as small records, each line item is a record
> only advantage I can see for line item records is that you can search up what invoices a certain product appeared on real fast, but that’s not that common of a search request
> seems to me you can safely store the invoice line items in one list in the invoice header
> das goravani
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