Logging on to Two Databases, problem with $opencreate

Das Goravani das at goravani.com
Thu Jan 18 18:03:36 EST 2018

In the following code I am trying to open two databases and two sessions and statements

Execution stops on the 2nd $opencreate statement with an unrec. custom att. error

What am I doing wrong

Calculate lSessionName as 'MYAPPLICATION_SLSess'
Calculate lDam as 'SQLITEDAM'
Calculate lHostname as replace(low(sys(10)),'.lbs','_SL.db')
Calculate lUsername as ''
Calculate lPassword as ''
Do tSLSessObj.$opencreate.$assign(kTrue)
Do tSLSessObj.$logon(lHostname,lUsername,lPassword,lSessionName) Returns lflag
Do tSLSessObj.$newstatement('SLSta') Returns tSLStaObj

Calculate lSessionName as 'MYAPPLICATION_PGSess'
Calculate lDam as 'PGSQLDAM'
Calculate lHostname as replace(low(sys(10)),'.lbs','_PG.db')
Calculate lUsername as ''
Calculate lPassword as ''
Do tPGSessObj.$opencreate.$assign(kTrue)
Do tPGSessObj.$logon(lHostname,lUsername,lPassword,lSessionName) Returns lflag
Do tPGSessObj.$newstatement('PGSta') Returns tPGStaObj

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