Approaching Omnis again scares me, too much to learn?

Jerry Greenberg jerry at
Fri Jan 5 13:12:55 EST 2018

I agree, I have always been fond of the local db 
but with O8 sqllite is an interesting surprise.

At 08:56 AM 1/5/2018, you wrote:
>And if O$8 supports Sqlite natively, it would be 
>a breeze to make a O$8 web server & a multiuser 
>sqlite server. And remember that Sqlite supports 
>fulltext search and indexing with accented chars 
>(where you can say éèêë is e for indexing). 
>Sqlite is the only mobile phone option but if 
>all is sql below, migration to PG should be 
>easy. Best wishes to all. --- Learn something 
>new every day! > On 5 Jan 2018, at 17:37, Marc 
>De Roover <omnis1 at> wrote: > > 
>Jerry, > > Since you missed Euromnis this year 
>:-( > > At EurOmnis Bob W announced a one more 
>thing: an addition to the SQLite DAM which would 
>allow an DML emulation to SQLite. > As Bob said 
>it feels like a guilty pleasure. ( and if can be 
>done for SQLite why not PG . . . ) > > This is 
>imho one additional reason to move to O$8 > > 
>Regards, > > > Marc > >> On 4 Jan 2018, at 
>15:14, Jerry Greenberg wrote: >> >> Hi Das, 
>basic SQL is actually pretty simple and for most 
>desktop/dml type apps that's all you'll really 
>need.  Sure for ultimate efficiency you can 
>create some complex SQL but for smaller apps 
>it's really not necessary.  Learn the strategies 
>of connecting your tables, learn your joins and 
>you'll be off to a running start. >> >> As you 
>may recall I have been around Omnis since the 
>80s as well, and for a while on the Omnis 
>Consulting team, and I have worked with many of 
>the developers here and on numerous large 
>projects and I think my best advice for you is 
>this.  Understand that much of what you read 
>here on the list comes from developers that have 
>or currently work on multi developer teams, for 
>large companies, and on very large projects, and 
>the techniques they use have some great 
>advantages in that environment.  But, to try and 
>implement those techniques in a single developer 
>environment is most likely counter productive, 
>daunting and complex.  You may want to learn 
>some of those techniques down the line but you 
>don't have to use them. >> >> My suggestion is 
>to learn basic sql, and forget about table 
>classes, and query classes for now. (if you use 
>them you won't be learning your sql)  Just use 
>the schema classes, define your lists and rows 
>from the schema classes, create some select 
>statements, and use your notation skills to 
>access the data.  It's a good start. >> >> >> oh 
>btw. the sqllite database is a great little 
>database which I look at as a great replacement 
>to the datafile. >> >> >> Good luck, >> 
>Jerry >> >> At 03:55 PM 1/2/2018, you wrote: >>> 
>Hello All, I am RE approaching Omnis with a view 
>to becoming a developer/consultant to 
>businesses. I am completely expert with Omnis 
>and the native database it provides, but 
>don’t know SQL or anything else, I only 
>know Omnis. I don’t know any other language 
>at all.  I go back to 86 but haven’t done 
>anything for ten years.  It’s scary enough 
>to have to learn SQL and how to connect to 
>databases.  But all the stuff you guys and gals 
>discuss here and on the other forum scares 
>me.  How did you all learn all about Java and 
>Jason and Restful etc etc.  How do you keep it 
>straight in your heads? My real question is 
>this:  If I could learn SQL and how to setup and 
>maintain backends and the connectivity, is that 
>enough to be a consultant today?  I imagine 
>right away the next point is that businesses 
>will want phone access apps, tablet apps, to 
>access their databases and then I’d be 
>looking at Javascript which I don’t know. 
>At age 57 and reapproaching, I wonder how much 
>time it takes to learn these things and begin 
>consulting. Are all these fancy other things 
>smaller than Omnis learning itself?  I sure hope 
>so.  It took a good while to learn 
>Omnis.  I’m very good at Omnis but only 
>Omnis Native.  Don’t yet know what a Schema 
>is, but I can do notation to control anything, I 
>can do complex interfaces and handle complex 
>data.  Just dont know anything else.  Do any 
>businesses still go for using the Native 
>Datafile?  With that I’m ready already. One 
>reason I want to learn SQL is to earn more.  The 
>businesses for which the Native datafile is 
>appropriate are smaller and poorer.  I believe 
>you can charge more to the SQL requiring 
>businesses.  Comments? Is the "Lone Developer" 
>still possible?   You all seem to be in teams. 
>Just scared badly.   Any help appreciated. 
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