Calldll.xcomp forStudio --- anybody know where it came from??

Doug Easterbrook doug at
Tue Jan 2 08:17:17 EST 2018

hi kelly.

thanks for pointing me in the right direction —   I sent off a request to the core engineering team (its really hard not to call them mitford house — I suppose we might be allowed to for historical reverence).

Doug Easterbrook
Arts Management Systems Ltd.
mailto:doug at
Phone (403) 650-1978

see you at the third annual users conference <>

> On Jan 1, 2018, at 9:05 PM, Kelly Burgess <kellyb at> wrote:
> Hi Doug,
> The Mac build of calldll.u_xcomp was done by Mitford House for Studio 5 and/or 6 to work as you said, as a placeholder that avoids obscuring those Windows-only RegisterDLL and CallDLL commands as Xnnnnn tokens in your code when viewed on Mac.  A couple years ago I ported the Windows version to 64 bit, and then Mitford House cleaned that up and fixed a bug or two in it, before shipping it with Studio 8.  I did not build a stubbed-out Mac equivalent.  If the Omnis engineers don't have time to do that, I could give it a shot, but I'd submit an enhancement request for starters - they probably just overlooked it.
> Kelly
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