February 2018 Archives by author
Starting: Thu Feb 1 06:34:32 EST 2018
Ending: Wed Feb 28 23:32:09 EST 2018
Messages: 284
- Sharing Omnis Libraries on GitHub - one per project?
Phil (OmnisList)
- Posing a question for the good of the Omnis community - want to move to STACK EXCHANGE?
Phil (OmnisList)
- Posing a question for the good of the Omnis community - want to move to STACK EXCHANGE?
Phil (OmnisList)
- Pre Omnis Studio 8.x on OSX soon to be obsolete.
Phil (OmnisList)
- Pre Omnis Studio 8.x on OSX soon to be obsolete.
Phil (OmnisList)
- Install Omnis 7.3 v 8.1
Phil (OmnisList)
- Statistics on Omnis developers?
Phil (OmnisList)
- Statistics on Omnis developers?
Phil (OmnisList)
- Import from Excel -- once more, with feeling. :-) (Apache POI)
Phil (OmnisList)
- Statistics on Omnis developers?
Phil (OmnisList)
- Posing a question for the good of the Omnis community - want to move to STACK EXCHANGE?
- ActiveX Acrobat problem - Windows 7
- Remoteobjects
Mayada Al-Kishtini
- Posing a question for the good of the Omnis community - want to move to STACK EXCHANGE?
Mayada Al-Kishtini
- Do Tell About Your Big Corporate Omnis Jobs
Mayada Al-Kishtini
- Some problems with stability - JS Application Server
Mayada Al-Kishtini
- Achieving one code base with forms and windows
Mayada Al-Kishtini
- Re-2: Achieving one code base with forms and windows
Mayada Al-Kishtini
- Some problems with stability - JS Application Server
Mayada Al-Kishtini
- Some problems with stability - JS Application Server
Mayada Al-Kishtini
- Some problems with stability - JS Application Server
Mayada Al-Kishtini
- Omnis App Server settings and JS remote forms
Mayada Al-Kishtini
- Posing a question for the good of the Omnis community - want to move to STACK EXCHANGE?
- Error Export to JSON
- Error Export to JSON
- Error Export to JSON
- Web Enabler Initalisation failed
- Web Enabler Initalisation failed
- Web Enabler Initalisation failed
- Troubles with FTP
- Print manager error
Jean Marc Azerad
- Print manager error
Jean Marc Azerad
- Do Tell About Your Big Corporate Omnis Jobs
Jim Bakken
- AW: List problem
Rudolf Bargholz
- AW: Troubles with FTP
Rudolf Bargholz
- Clash of the Backends leaves Developer stunned
Sten-Erik Björling
- Some problems with stability - JS Application Server
Sten-Erik Björling
- Achieving one code base with forms and windows
Sten-Erik Björling
- Some problems with stability - JS Application Server
Sten-Erik Björling
- Some problems with stability - JS Application Server
Sten-Erik Björling
- Omnis App Server settings and JS remote forms
Sten-Erik Björling
- About the Components Library and Email
Sten-Erik Björling
- My Progress and My Thanks
David Blaymires
- Test
Juan Bofill
- test2
Juan Bofill
- Import from Excel -- once more, with feeling. :-) (Apache POI)
Thad Bogert
- Omnis App Server settings and JS remote forms
Bryan Brodie
- Sharing Omnis Libraries on GitHub - one per project?
Joe Brower
- Posing a question for the good of the Omnis community - want to move to STACK EXCHANGE?
Kelly Burgess
- Is this wrong?
Kelly Burgess
- List problem
Bo Carleö
- List problem - solved
Bo Carleö
- List problem
Bo Carleö
- List problem
Bo Carleö
- List problem
Bo Carleö
- Install Omnis 7.3 v 8.1
Linda Claes
- What do these % symbols mean?
Alex Clay
- Numeric Operators in SQL Where clauses
Alex Clay
- Numeric Operators in SQL Where clauses
Alex Clay
- Clash of the Backends leaves Developer stunned
Alex Clay
- Numeric Operators in SQL Where clauses
Alex Clay
- Posing a question for the good of the Omnis community - want to move to STACK EXCHANGE?
Alex Clay
- Posing a question for the good of the Omnis community - want to move to STACK EXCHANGE?
Alex Clay
- Posing a question for the good of the Omnis community - want to move to STACK EXCHANGE?
Alex Clay
- Posing a question for the good of the Omnis community - want to move to STACK EXCHANGE?
Alex Clay
- Posing a question for the good of the Omnis community - want to move to STACK EXCHANGE?
Alex Clay
- Posing a question for the good of the Omnis community - want to move to STACK EXCHANGE?
Alex Clay
- Find, Find Next on an index, in SQL?
Alex Clay
- Find, Find Next on an index, in SQL?
Alex Clay
- Find, Find Next on an index, in SQL?
Alex Clay
- Achieving one code base with forms and windows
Alex Clay
- O$6.x: trapping group box resize event
Alex Clay
- Brainy Data on Gihub
Alex Clay
- Sharing Omnis Libraries on GitHub
Alex Clay
- Github corrupting .png files on download (resolved)
Alex Clay
- Statistics on Omnis developers?
Alex Clay
- Background text fields in windows behaving badly
Andrew Clow
- Posing a question for the good of the Omnis community - want to move to STACK EXCHANGE?
Gary Connor
- Statistics on Omnis developers?
Gary Connor
- Studio 8.1.4 is out -- and for those on mac, there is CallDLL xcomp (for json code export)
Doug Easterbrook
- Sharing Omnis Libraries on GitHub - one per project?
Doug Easterbrook
- Numeric Operators in SQL Where clauses
Doug Easterbrook
- Posing a question for the good of the Omnis community - want to move to STACK EXCHANGE?
Doug Easterbrook
- Posing a question for the good of the Omnis community - want to move to STACK EXCHANGE?
Doug Easterbrook
- Posing a question for the good of the Omnis community - want to move to STACK EXCHANGE?
Doug Easterbrook
- Do Tell About Your Big Corporate Omnis Jobs
Doug Easterbrook
- O$6.x: trapping group box resize event
Doug Easterbrook
- O$6.x: trapping group box resize event
Doug Easterbrook
- Storing JSONB in Postgres
Doug Easterbrook
- Storing JSONB in Postgres
Doug Easterbrook
- Error Export to JSON
Doug Easterbrook
- Postgres Omnis
Doug Easterbrook
- MS SQL Express backups from Studio
Doug Easterbrook
- Pre Omnis Studio 8.x on OSX soon to be obsolete.
Doug Easterbrook
- Import from Excel -- once more, with feeling. :-) (Apache POI)
Doug Easterbrook
- Import from Excel -- once more, with feeling. :-) (Apache POI)
Doug Easterbrook
- Transaction Mode Code
Doug Easterbrook
- Some problems with stability - JS Application Server
Jan Eskilsson
- Some problems with stability - JS Application Server
Jan Eskilsson
- Posing a question for the good of the Omnis community - want to move to STACK EXCHANGE?
Steve Finger
- Posing a question for the good of the Omnis community - want to move to STACK EXCHANGE?
Gavin Foster
- Do Tell About Your Big Corporate Omnis Jobs
Gavin Foster
- RegAdmin by Computer Dynamics
Gavin Foster
- Postgres Omnis
Gavin Foster
- https secure remote forms
Gavin Foster
- What do these % symbols mean?
Das Goravani
- My Progress and My Thanks
Das Goravani
- Numeric Operators in SQL Where clauses
Das Goravani
- Numeric Operators in SQL Where clauses
Das Goravani
- Numeric Operators in SQL Where clauses
Das Goravani
- Numeric Operators in SQL Where clauses
Das Goravani
- Clash of the Backends leaves Developer stunned
Das Goravani
- Numeric Operators in SQL Where clauses
Das Goravani
- Clash of the Backends leaves Developer stunned
Das Goravani
- Numeric Operators in SQL Where clauses
Das Goravani
- Posing a question for the good of the Omnis community - want to move to STACK EXCHANGE?
Das Goravani
- Posing a question for the good of the Omnis community - want to move to STACK EXCHANGE?
Das Goravani
- Posing a question for the good of the Omnis community - want to move to STACK EXCHANGE?
Das Goravani
- Posing a question for the good of the Omnis community - want to move to STACK EXCHANGE?
Das Goravani
- Do Tell About Your Big Corporate Omnis Jobs
Das Goravani
- Find, Find Next on an index, in SQL?
Das Goravani
- The Downside of this list
Das Goravani
- Find, Find Next on an index, in SQL?
Das Goravani
- Find, Find Next on an index, in SQL?
Das Goravani
- Find, Find Next on an index, in SQL?
Das Goravani
- Achieving one code base with forms and windows
Das Goravani
- Do Tell About Your Big Corporate Omnis Jobs
Das Goravani
- Achieving one code base with forms and windows
Das Goravani
- Achieving one code base with forms and windows
Das Goravani
- Achieving one code base with forms and windows
Das Goravani
- Error on opening Remote Form
Das Goravani
- Postgres Omnis
Das Goravani
- Error on opening Remote Form
Das Goravani
- Error on opening Remote Form
Das Goravani
- Error on opening Remote Form
Das Goravani
- Error on opening Remote Form
Das Goravani
- Omnis App Server settings and JS remote forms
Das Goravani
- Logon, the Bigger Picture, Questions
Das Goravani
- Pre Omnis Studio 8.x on OSX soon to be obsolete.
Das Goravani
- About the Components Library and Email
Das Goravani
- Pre Omnis Studio 8.x on OSX soon to be obsolete.
Das Goravani
- Is this wrong?
Das Goravani
- Transaction Mode Code
Das Goravani
- What do these % symbols mean?
Fred Haislmaier
- Postgres Omnis
Andy Hilton
- Numeric Operators in SQL Where clauses
Andy Hilton
- Postgres Omnis
Chris Hughes
- Postgres Omnis
Chris Hughes
- Import from Excel -- once more, with feeling. :-) (Apache POI)
Chris Hughes
- Numeric Operators in SQL Where clauses
Clifford Ilkay
- Numeric Operators in SQL Where clauses
Clifford Ilkay
- Clash of the Backends leaves Developer stunned
Clifford Ilkay
- Posing a question for the good of the Omnis community - want to move to STACK EXCHANGE?
Clifford Ilkay
- Some problems with stability - JS Application Server
Clifford Ilkay
- MS SQL Express backups from Studio
Clifford Ilkay
- Pre Omnis Studio 8.x on OSX soon to be obsolete.
Clifford Ilkay
- Pre Omnis Studio 8.x on OSX soon to be obsolete.
Clifford Ilkay
- Pre Omnis Studio 8.x on OSX soon to be obsolete.
Clifford Ilkay
- Import from Excel -- once more, with feeling. :-) (Apache POI)
Clifford Ilkay
- Web Enabler Initalisation failed
Geert Landuyt
- Web Enabler Initalisation failed
Geert Landuyt
- Troubles with FTP
Michael Mantkowski
- ActiveX Acrobat problem - Windows 7
Michael Mantkowski
- Find, Find Next on an index, in SQL?
Mike Matthews
- Omnis App Server settings and JS remote forms
Mike Matthews
- RegAdmin by Computer Dynamics
Mike Matthews
- Pre Omnis Studio 8.x on OSX soon to be obsolete.
Mike Matthews
- Import from Excel -- once more, with feeling. :-) (Apache POI)
Mike Matthews
- Posing a question for the good of the Omnis community - want to move to STACK EXCHANGE?
Scotte Meredith
- Storing JSONB in Postgres
Scotte Meredith
- Storing JSONB in Postgres
Scotte Meredith
- Storing JSONB in Postgres
Scotte Meredith
- Assigning $ident to items pulled from VCS
Scotte Meredith
- Assigning $ident to items pulled from VCS
Scotte Meredith
- Do Tell About Your Big Corporate Omnis Jobs
Dawid Mocke
- Sharing Omnis Libraries on GitHub - one per project?
Michael Monschau
- Sharing Omnis Libraries on GitHub - one per project?
Michael Monschau
- Sharing Omnis Libraries on GitHub - one per project?
Michael Monschau
- Posing a question for the good of the Omnis community - want to move to STACK EXCHANGE?
Michael Monschau
- Posing a question for the good of the Omnis community - want to move to STACK EXCHANGE?
Michael Monschau
- Error on opening Remote Form
Michael Monschau
- Brainy Data on Gihub
Michael Monschau
- Github corrupting .png files on download
Michael Monschau
- Github corrupting .png files on download
Michael Monschau
- Github corrupting .png files on download (resolved)
Michael Monschau
- Github corrupting .png files on download (resolved)
Michael Monschau
- Github corrupting .png files on download (resolved)
Michael Monschau
- Pre Omnis Studio 8.x on OSX soon to be obsolete.
Michael Monschau
- Error on opening Remote Form
Mike Motter
- List problem
Paul Mulroney
- List problem
Paul Mulroney
- Posing a question for the good of the Omnis community - want to move to STACK EXCHANGE?
Paul Mulroney
- Sharing Omnis Libraries on GitHub
Paul Mulroney
- Postgres Omnis
Paul Mulroney
Paul Mulroney
- Statistics on Omnis developers?
Paul Mulroney
- O$ 3.x - method stack
Paul Mulroney
- [EXTERNAL]Re: Do Tell About Your Big Corporate Omnis Jobs
Brian A O'Sullivan
- My Progress and My Thanks
Bastiaan Olij
- Clash of the Backends leaves Developer stunned
Bastiaan Olij
- Posing a question for the good of the Omnis community - want to move to STACK EXCHANGE?
Bastiaan Olij
- Achieving one code base with forms and windows
Bastiaan Olij
- O$6.x: trapping group box resize event
Bastiaan Olij
- Storing JSONB in Postgres
Bastiaan Olij
- Assigning $ident to items pulled from VCS
Bastiaan Olij
- Pre Omnis Studio 8.x on OSX soon to be obsolete.
Bastiaan Olij
- Pre Omnis Studio 8.x on OSX soon to be obsolete.
Bastiaan Olij
- Getting information about functions
Bastiaan Olij
- Import from Excel -- once more, with feeling. :-) (Apache POI)
Bastiaan Olij
- Drawing curved lines
Bastiaan Olij
- simple js/css widgets/ controls
Alain Stouder Omnis
- Posing a question for the good of the Omnis community - want to move to STACK EXCHANGE?
Reg Paling
- RSA encryption
Grzegorz (Greg) Pasternak
- Posing a question for the good of the Omnis community - want to move to STACK EXCHANGE?
Grzegorz (Greg) Pasternak
- O$6.x: trapping group box resize event
Grzegorz (Greg) Pasternak
- O$6.x: trapping group box resize event
Grzegorz (Greg) Pasternak
- O$6.x: trapping group box resize event
Grzegorz (Greg) Pasternak
- List problem
Andreas Pfeiffer
- Some problems with stability - JS Application Server
Andreas Pfeiffer
- https secure remote forms
Andreas Pfeiffer
- Numeric Operators in SQL Where clauses
Jim Pistrang
- Clash of the Backends leaves Developer stunned
Jim Pistrang
- Remoteobjects
Lars Schärer
- Re-2: Remoteobjects
Lars Schärer
- Re-2: Achieving one code base with forms and windows
Lars Schärer
- Re-4: Achieving one code base with forms and windows
Lars Schärer
- simple js/css widgets/ controls
Lars Schärer
- Posing a question for the good of the Omnis community - want to move to STACK EXCHANGE?
Vik Shah
- Some problems with stability - JS Application Server
Vik Shah
- Sharing Omnis Libraries on GitHub
Vik Shah
- Error on opening Remote Form
Vik Shah
- Error on opening Remote Form
Vik Shah
- Sharing Omnis Libraries on GitHub
Vik Shah
- Sharing Omnis Libraries on GitHub
Vik Shah
- Postgres Omnis
Vik Shah
- Import from Excel -- once more, with feeling. :-) (Apache POI)
Vik Shah
- #styles
Bruno Del Sol
- AW: List problem
Udo Sonnabend
- AW: O$ 3.x - method stack
Udo Sonnabend
- Pre Omnis Studio 8.x on OSX soon to be obsolete.
Tom Stecki
- Storing JSONB in Postgres
Graham Stevens
- Storing JSONB in Postgres
Graham Stevens
- My Progress and My Thanks
Andrew Stolarz
- Posing a question for the good of the Omnis community - want to move to STACK EXCHANGE?
Andrew Stolarz
- Posing a question for the good of the Omnis community - want to move to STACK EXCHANGE?
Andrew Stolarz
- Posing a question for the good of the Omnis community - want to move to STACK EXCHANGE?
Andrew Stolarz
- Posing a question for the good of the Omnis community - want to move to STACK EXCHANGE?
Andrew Stolarz
- Posing a question for the good of the Omnis community - want to move to STACK EXCHANGE?
Andrew Stolarz
- Some problems with stability - JS Application Server
Andrew Stolarz
- Achieving one code base with forms and windows
Andrew Stolarz
- Do Tell About Your Big Corporate Omnis Jobs
Andrew Stolarz
- Error on opening Remote Form
Andrew Stolarz
- Postgres Omnis
Andrew Stolarz
- Pre Omnis Studio 8.x on OSX soon to be obsolete.
Andrew Stolarz
- MS SQL Express backups from Studio
Andrew Stolarz
- Print manager error
Andrew Stolarz
- Print manager error
Andrew Stolarz
- Import from Excel -- once more, with feeling. :-) (Apache POI)
Andrew Stolarz
- Statistics on Omnis developers?
Andrew Stolarz
- Omnis App Server workload if used as web server too
Andrew Stolarz
- Background text fields in windows behaving badly
Ben Weinberg
- Background text fields in windows behaving badly
Ben Weinberg
- Omnis is really advanced
Ben Weinberg
- Omnis is really advanced
Ben Weinberg
- Posing a question for the good of the Omnis community - want to move to STACK EXCHANGE?
- Statistics on Omnis developers?
- Statistics on Omnis developers?
- Where did you get $selectexact and $fetchinto
Denis Woodbury
- Aw: List problem
"Stephan Wüseke"
- O$ 8.1 How to set Null Value in a variable ?
Jacques Zemron
- O$ 8.1 How to set Null Value in a variable ?
Jacques Zemron
- O$ 8.1 Number of users on a datafile
Jacques Zemron
- Omnis Data Bridge error
Jacques Zemron
- Omnis Data Bridge error
Jacques Zemron
- Posing a question for the good of the Omnis community - want to move to STACK EXCHANGE?
Andrea Zen
- O$ 8.1 How to set Null Value in a variable ?
Andrea Zen
- Omnis App Server workload if used as web server too
Andrea Zen
- R: Web Enabler Initalisation failed
Rocco Ventura [Kunvi]
- Import from Excel -- once more, with feeling. :-) (Apache POI)
Grant Thiessen bookitinc
- R: Posing a question for the good of the Omnis community - want to move to STACK EXCHANGE?
- R: Posing a question for the good of the Omnis community - want to move to STACK EXCHANGE?
- Numeric Operators in SQL Where clauses
rab tab
- Import from Excel -- once more, with feeling. :-) (Apache POI)
rab tab
- Import from Excel -- once more, with feeling. :-) (Apache POI)
rab tab
Last message date:
Wed Feb 28 23:32:09 EST 2018
Archived on: Tue Nov 3 18:17:26 EST 2020
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).