Need help (again) understanding something...

Mark L. Wise mark at
Mon Jan 30 12:32:00 EST 2017

I am in need (again) of help understanding some concepts with OMNIS7 coding.

Here is a code snippet;

Set main file {TRANSAC}
Set search as calculation {ACCOUNT_NO=#S3}
Set current list #L2
Calculate TRANS_SOR_RSN as 94294
Build list from file on TRANS_SOR_RSN (Exact match,Use search)

What I don't understand is the use of the "Use search" modifier on the 
Build list from file (last line).

The Set search as calculation line uses a variable ACCOUNT_NO which is 
not contained in the file TRANSAC.  How can this be used as a search 
limiter if this field is not in the file?

Thanks again for any help you might give me.


Mark L. Wise

Alpha II Service, Inc.
1312 Epworth Ave
Reynoldsburg, Ohio 43068-2116

Office: (614) 868-5033
Email: mark at

"People do not quit playing because they grow old; they grow old because 
they quit playing."

Oliver Wendell Holmes

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