evAfter without evBefore

Mark Phillips mark.phillips at mophilly.com
Tue Nov 15 02:06:50 EST 2016

It is late for me and I am weary from a long drive across the north american southwest (is that confusing?) and I am waiting to see if my latest "evocative" post to Facebook will stimulate a response, so please forgive me if this note seems ditsy or off topic...

In Omnis 7 that event trapping game was to stop the event loop. In O7 the event loop process was a bull in china shop. It wasn't enough to trap the event, you had to issue statements, sometimes several, to stop the event message from being reported all other objects in the hierarchy.

Omnis Studio changed that to a game of passing the event from first trap. If you trap the event at the object, window or task level it is your responsibility to send the message long to the other members of the object hierarchy. Otherwise, nothing happens. 

With this in mind, it does not surprise me that the evBefore is not generated if a evToTop is in play. It is does dismay me that the event loop processing behaves differently on Mac OS and Windows. It is, in my opinion, one of the benefits of Omnis to shield the Omnis developer of cross platform issues like this. 

Happy days to all,

 - Mark Phillips

P.S. If you live in the americas, please attend one of the two meetings scheduled in north america. It would be great to see you and talk to the new owners and directors of the Omnis product family.

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