Does anybody know how to print double sided in OMNIS-7?

Mark L. Wise mark at
Tue Nov 1 15:59:23 EDT 2016

Good afternoon!

Does anyone know how I can send the proper codes for a printer to print 
on the back side of a page?

I have a client who wants to print invoices with terms and conditions on 
the back page.  The printer has duplex capabilities, but I don't know 
how to program the report to use the feature.

TIA for any help.


Mark L. Wise

Alpha II Service, Inc.
1312 Epworth Ave
Reynoldsburg, Ohio 43068-2116

Office: (614) 868-5033
Email: mark at

"People do not quit playing because they grow old; they grow old because 
they quit playing."

Oliver Wendell Holmes

Titles mean nothing.  The one with a servant's heart is the leader.

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