March 2016 Archives by author
Starting: Tue Mar 1 05:16:21 EST 2016
Ending: Thu Mar 31 18:11:01 EDT 2016
Messages: 335
- O$: using SQL Browser to transfer tables to Postgres
Phil (OmnisList)
- Omnis 7 + Windows 10 - mouse
Phil (OmnisList)
- Omnis 7 + Windows 10 - mouse
Phil (OmnisList)
- HTTPpost socket error -10109
Phil (OmnisList)
- O$ 5.2.3 manual activation doesn't work anymore?
Phil (OmnisList)
- dual monitors
Phil (OmnisList)
- Using Microsoft Word
Phil (OmnisList)
- dual monitors
Phil (OmnisList)
- O$ v8 serial numbers
Phil (OmnisList)
- O$: using SQL Browser to transfer tables to Postgres
EurOmnis 2016
- Path to Windows document folder crashing
- Path to Windows document folder crashing
- Path to Windows document folder crashing
Will Adkin
- Loading Subform controls on JsForms
Mayada Al-Kishtini
- Loading Subform controls on JsForms
Mayada Al-Kishtini
- Postgres connection
Jean Marc Azerad
- Postgres connection
Jean Marc Azerad
- O$: using SQL Browser to transfer tables to Postgres
Jean Marc Azerad
- AW: Problem with SQL Worker with bind variable
Rudolf Bargholz
- buy omnis 8, save the house?
Bruno Barthélemy
- Postgres connection qiestion (newbie)
Keith Bartlett
- O$: using SQL Browser to transfer tables to Postgres
Keith Bartlett
- Web Servers
Sten-Erik Björling
- NO: I hope all is well for or fellow omnis developers in Brussels
Sten-Erik Björling
- number precision and Omnis
Sten-Erik Björling
- Any status regarding TMObj for Mac 64 bits?
Sten-Erik Björling
- Any status regarding TMObj for Mac 64 bits?
Sten-Erik Björling
- Omnis 7 + Windows 10 - mouse
A Blanchard
- Omnis 7 + Windows 10 - mouse
A Blanchard
- Omnis 7 + Windows 10 - mouse
A Blanchard
- Postgres connection from Studio Mac
David Blaymires
- O$ v8 serial numbers
David Blaymires
- O$ Email
Bryan Brodie
- buy omnis 8, save the house?
Bryan Brodie
- HTTPpost socket error -10109
Kelly Burgess
- O$ v8 serial numbers
Kelly Burgess
- O$ v8 serial numbers
Kelly Burgess
- O$ v8 serial numbers
Kelly Burgess
- Report line styles
Bo Carleö
- Report line styles
Bo Carleö
- Report line styles
Bo Carleö
- Problem pDragValue when dropping file on object
Andrew Clow
- Report line styles
Andrew Clow
- O7 - Transparent pictures - Default colormap
Jim Creak
- O7: Procedure stack limit
Jim Creak
- O7: Procedure stack limit
Jim Creak
- O7 - Transparent pictures - Default colormap
Jim Creak
- Prompt for data file
Jim Creak
- Prompt for data file
Jim Creak
- Prompt for data file
Jim Creak
- O7: Free memory calculation
Jim Creak
- O7: Free memory calculation
Jim Creak
- Omnis Curl external
Derek Delpero
- Postgres connection
Ken Dimson
- O$: Exporting/Importing Datafiles with connections?
Doug Easterbrook
- Problem with SQL Worker with bind variable
Doug Easterbrook
- O$: using SQL Browser to transfer tables to Postgres
Doug Easterbrook
- PostgreSQL character data sanitisation.
Doug Easterbrook
- PostgreSQL character data sanitisation.
Doug Easterbrook
- PostgreSQL character data sanitisation.
Doug Easterbrook
- NO: I hope all is well for or fellow omnis developers in Brussels
Doug Easterbrook
- dual monitors
Doug Easterbrook
- ms sql question
Doug Easterbrook
- read a text file
Doug Easterbrook
- ms sql question
Doug Easterbrook
- ms sql question
Doug Easterbrook
- ms sql question
Doug Easterbrook
- ms sql question
Doug Easterbrook
- WOT: "Coexist" was: I hope all is well for or fellow omnis developers in Brussels
Doug Easterbrook
- number precision and Omnis
Doug Easterbrook
- number precision and Omnis
Doug Easterbrook
- O$5: Literal NULL imports as actual null
Doug Easterbrook
- Linux
Doug Easterbrook
- O$ v8 serial numbers
Doug Easterbrook
- Any status regarding TMObj for Mac 64 bits?
Doug Easterbrook
- NO: I hope all is well for or fellow omnis developers in Brussels
Steve Farmer
- Reliability of pictformat() Function?
David Ferri
- Reliability of pictformat() Function?
David Ferri
- O$ Email
Bob Fiering
- Problem pDragValue when dropping file on object
Bob Fiering
- Problem pDragValue when dropping file on object
Bob Fiering
- Omnis Crashing
Bob Fiering
- Omnis Crashing
Bob Fiering
- Linux
Bob Fiering
- Reliability of pictformat() Function?
Bob Fiering
- O$ Email
Steve Finger
- O$ Email
Steve Finger
- O$ Email
Steve Finger
- O$ Email
Steve Finger
- NO: I hope all is well for or fellow omnis developers in Brussels
Steve Finger
- O$5: Literal NULL imports as actual null
Steve Finger
- WOT: "Coexist" was: I hope all is well for or fellow omnis developers in Brussels
Geir Fjærli
- read a text file
Jason Gissing
- X509 signing
Dario Greggio
- X509 signing
Dario Greggio
- X509 signing
Dario Greggio
- X509 signing
Dario Greggio
- OMNISSQL Bind Vars
Dario Greggio
- HTTPpost socket error -10109
Dario Greggio
- HTTPpost socket error -10109
Dario Greggio
- O7: Free memory calculation
Dario Greggio
- O7: Free memory calculation
Dario Greggio
- WOT: "Coexist" was: I hope all is well for or fellow omnis developers in Brussels
Dario Greggio
- number precision and Omnis
Dario Greggio
- Omnis Curl external (was Re: O$ Email)
Dario Greggio
- Omnis Curl external (was Re: O$ Email)
Dario Greggio
- Omnis Curl external
Dario Greggio
- Omnis Curl external
Dario Greggio
- Omnis Curl external
Dario Greggio
- Type assertion
Skip Hendriks
- O$ Email
Andy Hilton
- O$ Email
Andy Hilton
- Bind Vars scope
Andy Hilton
- O$ Email
Andy Hilton
- dual monitors
Andy Hilton
- dual monitors
Andy Hilton
- buy omnis 8, save the house?
Andy Hilton
- setting $ctask
Michael Houlberg
- Web Servers
Chris Hughes
- Complex grid
Chris Hughes
- Linux
Chris Hughes
- O$ Email
- O$ Email
- O$ Email
- O$ Email
- O$ Email
- ms sql question
- O$5: Literal NULL imports as actual null
- Prompt for data file
- Prompt for data file
- Prompt for data file
- OMNISSQL Bind Vars
- Bind Vars scope
- Prompt for data file
- Bind Vars scope
- Omnis 7 + Windows 10 - mouse
Kevin James
- Windows 10 - drop down lists
Kevin James
- NO: I hope all is well for or fellow omnis developers in Brussels
Mark Jenkins
- HTTPpost socket error -10109
Jeffrey Jones
- HTTPpost socket error -10109
Jeffrey Jones
- HTTPpost socket error -10109
Jeffrey Jones
- HTTPpost socket error -10109
Jeffrey Jones
- HTTPpost socket error -10109
Jeffrey Jones
- HTTPpost socket error -10109
Jeffrey Jones
- HTTPpost socket error -10109
Jeffrey Jones
- HTTPpost socket error -10109
Jeffrey Jones
- HTTPpost socket error -10109
Jeffrey Jones
- Run consol program from O7
Tore Jönsson
- How to format a cell in datagrid in remoteforms in Omnis 5.2
Dhulhum Khan
- Omnis Crashing
Dhulhum Khan
- Omnis Crashing
Dhulhum Khan
- NO: I hope all is well for or fellow omnis developers in Brussels
Geert Landuyt
- Reliability of pictformat() Function?
Paul Manning
- O$ Email
Michael Mantkowski
- HTTPpost socket error -10109
Michael Mantkowski
- HTTPpost socket error -10109
Michael Mantkowski
- HTTPpost socket error -10109
Michael Mantkowski
- Complex grid
Kim Martel
- O$: using SQL Browser to transfer tables to Postgres
Mike Matthews
- O$: using SQL Browser to transfer tables to Postgres
Mike Matthews
- O$: using SQL Browser to transfer tables to Postgres
Mike Matthews
- Euromnis location
Mike Matthews
- O$ Email
Mike Matthews
- O$ Email
Mike Matthews
- O$ Email
Mike Matthews
- O$ Email
Mike Matthews
- O$ Email
Mike Matthews
- O$ Email
Mike Matthews
- O$ Email
Mike Matthews
- Omnis Curl external (was Re: O$ Email)
Mike Matthews
- dual monitors
Mike Matthews
- Using Microsoft Word
Mike Matthews
- O$ v8 serial numbers
Mike Matthews
- O$ v8 serial numbers
Mike Matthews
- O$ v8 serial numbers
Mike Matthews
- O$ v8 serial numbers
Mike Matthews
- NO: I hope all is well for or fellow omnis developers in Brussels
Joe Maus
- WOT: "Coexist" was: I hope all is well for or fellow omnis developers in Brussels
Joe Maus
- O7 - Transparent pictures - Default colormap
- O$: Exporting/Importing Datafiles with connections?
- ms sql question
Dawid Mocke
- O$ v8 serial numbers
Michael Monschau
- buy omnis 8, save the house?
Michael Monschau
- buy omnis 8, save the house?
Todd Mowbray
- O$ 5.2.3 manual activation doesn't work anymore?
Paul Mulroney
- O$ 5.2.3 manual activation doesn't work anymore?
Paul Mulroney
- Problem with SQL Worker with bind variable
H.P. Noppe
- setting $ctask
H.P. Noppe
- setting $ctask
H.P. Noppe
- O$ v8 serial numbers
H.P. Noppe
- O$ v8 serial numbers
H.P. Noppe
- O$ v8 serial numbers
H.P. Noppe
- O$ v8 serial numbers
H.P. Noppe
- number precision and Omnis
Brian O'Sullivan
- Report line styles
Brian O'Sullivan
- Problem with SQL Worker with bind variable
Bastiaan Olij
- Postgres connection
Bastiaan Olij
- O$: using SQL Browser to transfer tables to Postgres
Bastiaan Olij
- PostgreSQL character data sanitisation.
Bastiaan Olij
- PostgreSQL character data sanitisation.
Bastiaan Olij
- PostgreSQL character data sanitisation.
Bastiaan Olij
- PostgreSQL character data sanitisation.
Bastiaan Olij
- PostgreSQL character data sanitisation.
Bastiaan Olij
- PostgreSQL character data sanitisation.
Bastiaan Olij
- O$ Email
Bastiaan Olij
- Omnis Script Parser
Bastiaan Olij
- O$ Email
Bastiaan Olij
- O$ Email
Bastiaan Olij
- Bind Vars scope
Bastiaan Olij
- ms sql question
Bastiaan Olij
- number precision and Omnis
Bastiaan Olij
- O7 - Transparent pictures - Default colormap
Alain Stouder Omnis
- X509 signing
Alain Stouder Omnis
- X509 signing
Alain Stouder Omnis
- PostgreSQL character data sanitisation.
Alain Stouder Omnis
- O$ Email
Alain Stouder Omnis
- O$ Email
Alain Stouder Omnis
- Omnis Curl external (was Re: O$ Email)
Alain Stouder Omnis
- NO: I hope all is well for or fellow omnis developers in Brussels
Alain Stouder Omnis
- Omnis Curl external (was Re: O$ Email)
Alain Stouder Omnis
- Omnis Curl external
Alain Stouder Omnis
- O$5: Literal NULL imports as actual null
Alain Stouder Omnis
- Complex grid
- O$5: Literal NULL imports as actual null
- Bind Vars scope
Reg Paling
- O$ 5.2.3 manual activation doesn't work anymore?
Reg Paling
- ms sql question
Reg Paling
- O$5: Literal NULL imports as actual null
Andrew Pavey
- Euromnis location
Jock Philip
- NO: I hope all is well for or fellow omnis developers in Brussels
Jock Philip
- O$ v8 serial numbers
Jock Philip
- Postgres connection
Mark Phillips
- number precision and Omnis
Mark Phillips
- number precision and Omnis
Mark Phillips
- number precision and Omnis
Mark Phillips
- number precision and Omnis
Mark Phillips
- O$5: Literal NULL imports as actual null
Mark Phillips
- Linux
Mark Phillips
- Postgres connection qiestion (newbie)
Jim Pistrang
- Postgres connection question (newbie)
Jim Pistrang
- Postgres connection question (newbie)
Jim Pistrang
- Postgres connection from Studio Mac
Jim Pistrang
- Postgres connection from Studio Mac
Jim Pistrang
- Postgres connection from Studio Mac SOLVED
Jim Pistrang
- O$: using SQL Browser to transfer tables to Postgres
Jim Pistrang
- O$: using SQL Browser to transfer tables to Postgres
Jim Pistrang
- O$: using SQL Browser to transfer tables to Postgres
Jim Pistrang
- O$: using SQL Browser to transfer tables to Postgres
Jim Pistrang
- O$: using SQL Browser to transfer tables to Postgres
Jim Pistrang
- O$ v8 serial numbers
Jim Pistrang
- O$: PNG/GIF Picture transparency in Report
Nick Renders
- O$: PNG/GIF Picture transparency in Report
Nick Renders
- read a text file
Nick Renders
- NO: I hope all is well for or fellow omnis developers in Brussels
Dan Ridinger
- ms sql question
Dan Ridinger
- read a text file
Dan Ridinger
- O$ Email
Marc De Roover
- O$ Email
Marc De Roover
- Prompt for data file
Marc De Roover
- NO: I hope all is well for or fellow omnis developers in Brussels
Marc De Roover
- NO: Brussels the day after
Marc De Roover
- I hope all is well for or fellow omnis developers in Brussels
Marc De Roover
- O$ v8 serial numbers
Marc De Roover
- OSX, OS4321 subwindow colour
Michael Rowan
- ms sql question
Daniel Sananes
- O7: Procedure stack limit
Lars Schärer
- Studio 4.3.1 - Windows 10 - Drop down lists
Michael Seall
- Windows 10 drop down lists
Michael Seall
- Windows 10 drop down lists
Michael Seall
- Windows 10 - Drop down lists
Michael Seall
- Windows 10 - drop down lists
Michael Seall
- Omnis 8 beta - oBrowser external and $callmethod
Mauro Seno
- PostgreSQL character data sanitisation.
Vik Shah
- PostgreSQL character data sanitisation.
Vik Shah
- PostgreSQL character data sanitisation.
Vik Shah
- PostgreSQL character data sanitisation.
Vik Shah
- Remote form print control
Vik Shah
- O$5: Literal NULL imports as actual null
Vik Shah
- read a text file
Vik Shah
- O$ v8 serial numbers
Vik Shah
- NO: O$ v8 Humour
Vik Shah
- Omnis Curl external (was Re: O$ Email)
Bruno Del Sol
- setting $ctask
Bruno Del Sol
- read a text file
Bruno Del Sol
- Omnis Curl external
Bruno Del Sol
- O$: using SQL Browser to transfer tables to Postgres
Phil Sparmilk
- dual monitors
Bill Steer
- dual monitors
Bill Steer
- read a text file
Bill Steer
- read a text file
Bill Steer
- O$5: Literal NULL imports as actual null
Bill Steer
- Problem with SQL Worker with bind variable
Graham Stevens
- JS FORM and daylight saving
Andrew Stolarz
- O$ v8 serial numbers
Andrew Stolarz
- O$ v8 serial numbers
Andrew Stolarz
- Postgres connection from Studio Mac SOLVED
Terence J. young, DC
- NO: I hope all is well for or fellow omnis developers in Brussels
Terence J. young, DC
- number precision and Omnis
Terence J. young, DC
- PostgreSQL character data sanitisation.
Mark Watson
- O$5: Literal NULL imports as actual null
Faulkner White
- O$5: Literal NULL imports as actual null
Faulkner White
- O$5: Literal NULL imports as actual null
Faulkner White
- O$5: Literal NULL imports as actual null
Faulkner White
- Omnis 7 + Windows 10 - mouse
Denis Woodbury
- Help in Microsft Word
JR Wright
- Aw: Type assertion
"Stephan Wüseke"
- NO: I hope all is well for or fellow omnis developers in Brussels
Orca Yahoo
- Problem with SQL Worker with bind variable
Andrea Zen
- Problem with SQL Worker with bind variable
Andrea Zen
- Problem with SQL Worker with bind variable
Andrea Zen
- Problem with SQL Worker with bind variable
Andrea Zen
- JS FORM and daylight saving
Andrea Zen
- Problem with SQL Worker with bind variable
Andrea Zen
- Complex grid
Andrea Zen
- OTL A Million Random Digits with 100,000 Normal Deviates
Grant Thiessen bookitinc
- OTL A Million Random Digits with 100,000 Normal Deviates
Grant Thiessen bookitinc
- O7 - Transparent pictures - Default colormap
- O7 - Transparent pictures - Default colormap
- O7 - Transparent pictures - Default colormap
- O7: Procedure stack limit
- O7 - Transparent pictures - Default colormap
- NO: I hope all is well for or fellow omnis developers in Brussels
- ms sql question
- Fw: new important message
mail at
- O$: PNG/GIF Picture transparency in Report
sam nicol
- Help in Microsft Word
- Help in Microsft Word
- Printing
brian at
- Printing
brian at
- JS FORM and daylight saving
brian at
- Remote form print control
brian at
- NO: I hope all is well for or fellow omnis developers in Brussels
brian at
- Remote form print control
brian at
- Omnis 7 + Windows 10 - mouse
- O$ v8 serial numbers
Last message date:
Thu Mar 31 18:11:01 EDT 2016
Archived on: Tue Nov 3 18:17:20 EST 2020
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).