O$ - 6.1.3 and Oracle 11G R2

Marc Rassinier m_rassinier at yahoo.fr
Tue Jan 12 11:05:39 EST 2016

Hi colisters,
I have the following N-Tier client-server configuration : 
The application server : Omnis Studio 6.1.3 Runtime or Development 64 bit under Windows 2012 (64 bit) with an Oracle 11 G 32 bit client installed on this server.The Database server : Oracle 11G R2 (64 bit) on another server under Windows 2012.

SQL*Plus or Omnis Studio on the application server can connect to this remote database without any problem.
While Omnis Studio 6.1.3 can't load the Oracle8Sess Object ! Has someone encountered this kind of problem.It sounds like a Oracle home problem ?
Thanks a lot for your answers.

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