drop down menu stopped working continued !
Andy Hilton
andyh at totallybrilliant.com
Wed Dec 28 16:29:06 EST 2016
There is a patch release for v5 which sorts out that and a couple other windows related issues - but I am not sure if the patch is available for 5.1 - I know it is available for 5.2.3…..(it is known as
Here are the notes from that patch release :
ST/HE/1189 - Support Case 10471: Display problem Windows Server 2012
ST/HE/1191 - Droplists do not work for the Design version when running under Windows 8, runtimes are fine
> On Dec 28, 2016, at 3:44 PM, Rankin Darby <darbyrr at gmail.com> wrote:
> My drop down menu stopped working.
> Any ideas to help me find the problem would be great !
> I am suspicious that it's probably a Windows 7 Update that did it.
> Windows 7 Pro
> Omnis 5.1
> p.s. How do you Reply back to Thread Answers ? I've checked the Help, but
> it's not mentioned anywhere.
> --
> *- Rankin Darby*
> *"to have a friend, you have to be one" ..unknown author*
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