O6.1.2 - Unlisted SMTP Error code

Mike Matthews omnis at lineal.co.uk
Wed Dec 21 23:18:34 EST 2016

Hello Bill,

Just a quick few thoughts.

1	Is this just the low cost web version of O365?  Some versions only support webmail access.

2	You can read the replies from the server as well with the SMTPsend command.  I'm not at my PC right now.  But look at StsProc, as that method will record the whole SMTP conversation with the Exchange server, and then you will find out why it fails.

3	Which version of Studio are you using?  Needs to be v5.2 or later I think.

4	Look at the last two settings.  The penultimate setting now has 3 values, 0,1 &2.


Sent from my iPad

> On 21 Dec 2016, at 23:47, Bill Richards <whizzybill at gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear all
> I am trying to do an SMTPSend via Outlook. Some of the info has been sanitised, but shouldn’t change the sense of what I am doing.
> I accept that I am a complete child when it comes to this, but I am trying to make pretty small steps and hoped that keeping it simple would make it easier to debug, if there is such a thing with comms.
> However, in best traditions, the error code returned ‘-1034’ is not actually listed in the error codes in the Omnis Help.
> Anyone got some suggestions as to where I am going wrong?
> The SMTPSend line is… 
> ('outlook.office365.com','FV_USERNAME’,’fromme at myemail.com’,’Test Subject','Test email',,,'Bill',,,,FV_USERNAME,FV_PASSWORD,kTrue)
> (FV_USERNAME is a properly formatted login name into my outlook account and is hence the ‘from’ email as well)
> Many thanks
> - Bill
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