$createnames strange DAM bug
Scotte Meredith
spomacguy at gmail.com
Tue Dec 20 01:04:38 EST 2016
Is there a field in the schema that is a keyword for MSSQL? I’ve seen odd things with some databases when trying using a field that was the same as a keyword.
> On Dec 19, 2016, at 9:59 PM, Vik Shah <Vik at Keys2Solutions.com.au> wrote:
> Hi Listers,
> Here is a pickle to pick on while we are all on our deserving breaks. :-)
> The backend is MS SQL server 2008 R2 and the client is Studio 4.3.2.x (running on windows). As a part of the installation process we create the entire database and the tables and all the assortments that go with it.
> With the recent build of the library when creating the database it fails at ONE table only. The $createnames method returns the column name and NULL.
> e.g. (normally) ma_id varchar(16), ma_name varchar(250) ...
> But we get, (bug), ma_id NULL, ma_name NULL, ...
> We opened up the schema class and it looks like all the other schema classes we have, similarly we checked our table class, its the same as all the others.
> We deleted the schema and table classes and recreated them, still the same...?!?
> Has anyone here ever seen anything like this. Is this library corruption? Is this a DAM bug?
> NOTE: if we run the same creation process on PostgreSQL server, all goes well !?!
> Help!
> Vik Shah
> Director
> Keys2Solutions
> AU: +61 411 493 495
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Scotte Meredith
SpoMacGuy at gmail.com
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