Omnis 7 Windows 10 and HP Printers

optoclick optoclick at
Tue Dec 13 10:54:13 EST 2016

Hello Martin

There is no printer driver for Windows 10 for that HP CP5225DN printer

Your report(s) was corrupted by a faulty Printer Driver  ( maybe the one
automatically installed by Win 10 )

Check if a Universal Printer Driver is install on that machine if not
Install one and on each machine on the network for that printer

You will have to  recreate all  reports with 'unable to open printer driver'
error with the
Universal Printer Driver format  

It should work after.


-----Original Message-----
From: omnisdev-en [mailto:omnisdev-en-bounces at] On Behalf
Of Martin Harvey
Sent: December-12-16 11:14 AM
To: omnisdev-en at
Subject: Omnis 7 Windows 10 and HP Printers
Importance: High

Hi All

I was wondering if anyone had experienced an issue with HP Printers and
Omnis 7( running on Windows 10(latest release)

The problem we have is as follows

When we try to print to a HP CP5225DN network printer we get an 'unable to
open printer driver' error

If the printer is selected as the default printer and we do a 'Prompt for
Page Setup' it doesn't open the 'Print Setup' window.
It just does nothing

The library works fine with all other printers on the network.

Typically this just happens to be their main printer ;-)

Any help is appreciated



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