reporting from the Boston Omnis Meeting, and California

Alan Grinberg omnis at
Fri Dec 9 12:35:42 EST 2016

Jim did a great job summarizing the meeting.
I was at the West Coast meeting and it must have been very similar.
We had about 10 developers, with a few from out of state (CA).

We all felt very positive and appreciate the visit and efforts by David and Bob.

One thing that I was not aware of was that the management of Tiger Logic had put a large number of restrictions on the development of Omnis and the communication with developers. Now that those have been lifted I am sure we will see a better product and a more responsive company.

Thanks again!
- Alan

Alan Grinberg
AG Systems/ZOO-INK
San Francisco, CA <applewebdata://01DF0262-246A-48CF-93A8-D111C02AF386>
alan at

> On Dec 9, 2016, at 7:02 AM, Jim Pistrang <jim at> wrote:
> Hi all,
> As promised, my report.  Apologies in advance if I got anything wrong or missed anything important - other attendees of the Boston and California meetings are encouraged to chime in.
> ………………….

> Final note from Jim: I am really excited and encouraged by the new management.  I don't expect change to come quickly, but I am hopeful for a greater presence in North America and worldwide.  I'm looking forward to the future of Omnis!
> Jim
> -- 
> Jim Pistrang
> JP Computer Resources
> 413-256-4569
> <>
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