Boston Omnis gathering (next week!)

Lou Picciano loupicciano at
Thu Dec 1 15:27:05 EST 2016


I'm planning on being there - and look forward to seeing you. Ya know, we miss you at EurOmnis... 

Depending on traffic/weather/flight reliability out of New York, I should get there pretty early. 

We'll have cawfee(!) 


----- Original Message -----

From: "Jim Pistrang" <jim at> 
To: "Omnis List Mail" <omnisdev-en at> 
Sent: Thursday, December 1, 2016 2:54:20 PM 
Subject: Boston Omnis gathering (next week!) 

Hi all, 

I'll be attending the Omnis Customer Meeting on Thursday December 8th in Boston - I'm hoping others are coming as well. 

I'm going to get to the venue EARLY to beat the traffic, and I'll be hanging out in the hotel restaurant from around 7:30 until the formal meeting starts at 10:00. If anyone else will be there, please join me for breakfast & conversation! 


Jim Pistrang 
JP Computer Resources 

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