How to clear #MU by brute force

Joe Brower joebrower3 at
Tue Mar 31 13:53:01 EDT 2015

Howdy, gents. Not sure if this is it, but here goes. It's been a very long
time since I used the native DF. 

I remember in Omnis3.3 days how there was a hash table in the DF where all
the in-use semaphores were stored, called #WORK999 iirc. Perhaps this is
still used, maybe under a different name?

On O3.3, this problem could be reset by:

- Quitting all workstations.

- Load a copy of the app in SINGLE user mode.

- Open the DF using the Utilities (in Studio 4 this would be the data-
  file browser, I guess)

- Select #WORK999 and delete it.

- Quit single-user Omnis.

- Run your workstations and see if they get in.

Hope this helps,

Joe Brower
Akelis, Inc.
Venice, FL  
desk: 941.412.0793

-----Original Message-----

From: omnisdev-en [mailto:omnisdev-en-bounces at] On Behalf
Of Doug Easterbrook
Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2015 1:16 PM
To: OmnisDev List - English
Subject: Re: How to clear #MU by brute force

hi Peter:

I'm foggy -- its been about 12 years since I had to do this...

but I think if you open up the .df1 with the data utilities, there is a #
format in the list of files that you can delete and that would fix it.     I
even seem to recall it was called #USERS

in other words, using the data utilities in a copy of omnis, you would see
your file names and there are two or three others like #SLOTS and #USERS ?? 

if you see something like #USERS ... make a backup copy of your entire
database and then delete it and see if that works.

Having to do this goes back to days of omnis 5 & 7 and when we were not
using the data bridge.     I think the requirement went away when we began
using the data bridge -- but ... mucho hazy recollections since we went
postgres eons ago.

Doug Easterbrook
Arts Management Systems Ltd.
mailto:doug at
Phone (403) 536-1205    Fax (403) 536-1210

> On Mar 30, 2015, at 5:40 PM, Peter Suter <pete.suter at> wrote:
> G'day,
> Yes this is in the archives, but the archives are down at the moment. (CGI
Error, could not open a port).
> On a Mac system we're getting a "too many users" lockout and can't open
the df1.
> What needs to be done to fix this?
> Thanks
> Best Regards
> Peter Suter
> pete.suter at

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