O$: Studio 5 store & display pdf files
Andrew Stolarz
stolarz at gmail.com
Thu Mar 26 11:44:49 EDT 2015
We save PDF files into blobs in MySQL. When we want to read them we
typically save them to a temp location and open them.
In the PC side, we do something similar to what Bob mentioned.
On the OSX side we use the omnis "send finder event" rather then working
with quicktime external etc. OSX has the built in "preview" software which
displays PDF files. We have never had an issue doing it this way for years.
On 26 March 2015 at 11:24, Terence J. young, DC <terry.young at journeymhc.org>
> Hi Jim,
> To display a pdf inside of omnis on a mac, you use the quicktime component
> to display page by page.
> Under Windows it is possible without any difficulties to display PDF files
> in an Omnis Studio window
> using the Acrobat PDF Reader control (ActiveX) provided by Adobe, which
> you can activate under
> External Components. Under Mac OS X, there is no equivalent of the ActiveX
> PDF Reader component,
> but you can simulate the PDF Reader using a combination of the Quicktime
> (Movieplayer) Omnis
> external, a Picture object, and a set of buttons - the result is not as
> slick as the 'real' PDF reader, but
> offers a reasonable alternative for Mac users
> There is a tech doc on the tigerlogic site explaining how to do this in
> omnis 3/4 (TNGI0021). I was able to get it to work in Studio 4.3.
> terry
> On 3/26/15, 9:57 AM, Bob Fiering wrote:
>> Hi Jim,
>> I use postgresql and use there bytea, don’t know the field type on oracle
>> When the user wants to open it externaly, i write the bytea to disk.
>> I open this on windows with:
>> Register DLL ("shell32.dll";"ShellExecuteW";"JJCCCCJ")
>> Call DLL ("shell32.dll";"ShellExecuteW";0;"open”;Path_to_Document;" ";"
>> ";1)
>> I open this on mac with:
>> Calculate #F as $runapplescript(con('tell application "Finder" to open
>> “';Path_to_document;'"'))
>> Regards,
>> Bob
>> On 26 Mar 2015, at 15:51, Jim Pistrang <jim at jpcr.com> wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> Hope everyone is doing well. Foggy gray day here, but the snow is
>>> melting!
>>> I have a client-server app running in Studio 5 against an Oracle
>>> database. The client is interested in storing and displaying PDF files,
>>> and I have a few questions I'm hoping someone can help with:
>>> 1) Can I store PDF files in Oracle as a BLOB type? If so, what do I
>>> need to do to insert and extract via a Studio interface?
>>> 2) Can I display PDF files in an Omnis window? If so, how?
>>> 3) If I want Omnis to display a pdf file externally (Preview on a Mac,
>>> ??? on Windows) can I do this from Studio 5? If so, what is the syntax?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Jim
>>> --
>>> Jim Pistrang
>>> JP Computer Resources
>>> 413-256-4569
>>> <http://www.jpcr.com>
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