Drop down list problems with touch screens

Dave Jobling omnisstuff at tynedalecomputers.com
Wed Mar 25 14:53:13 EDT 2015

I was wondering if anybody has had any experience using omnis7 with touch screens?  I'm having problems selecting items from drop down lists.  Omnis doesn't seem to detect the' mouse up' part of the #click.  The list remains open with your selected item highlighted and doesn't close until you select  another part of the screen.  The only way I can get it to work is if I drag my finger slightly after selecting the line before removing it from the screen.  These touch screens are running windows 7 but I have also tried it on another model using windows8  and that worked ok.

It may work better with studio and I do plan to convert the application but I would like to get omnis7 working in the short term if possible.

If anybody has tried this I would appreciate any suggestions.


Dave Jobling.

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