Type-Ahead Combo
RM research
robertmostyn99 at gmail.com
Thu Mar 19 07:55:12 EDT 2015
I’d like to ask a user interface question on this thread.
In the past when I’ve done something like this I expected the user to enter a unique code, or the beginning of a unique code. The app would process their entry and query the database accordingly. If the user wanted to search the NAME (not the code) thy could enter N:abc, or A:abc if they wanted to search on the address field.
This gave the user a choice of what they wanted to apply their search string on.
If you wanted to implement this you would need to wait for a certain number of chars before executing your search, varying on whether the second character was a colon.
The other thing was assuming their text would always be at the beginning of a field… this way my SQL fetch would utilise indexes. If the *user* wanted to search anywhere they could enter a wildcard character e.g. N:%abc would search anywhere in the NAME column.
Just my 2 cents worth. Would this add any value to your application Mischa / Mats / others ?
My concern about search the list of entries is that your list could be huge depending on the context. A product list could have several thousand records in it. If that’s fine, its fine, but I would be concerned about lists that size for performance reasons. I would prefer to ask the db to do the searching. Context is everything of course! I’m not saying never search from lists.
> On Thu19 Mar 2015, at 11:37, Mischa <mischa at omnislab.com> wrote:
> Hi Mats,
> thanks a lot!
> In $validate, why do you discard the event when iv_TEXT='' ?
> The problem with it is, that you cannot leave the field, click behind or close the window as long as you did not enter anything.
> It does not seem to be vital for the functionality(?)
> Ah yes - the correct line for detecting a leading occurrence would be
> Do iSourceList.$filter(upp(pContents)=left(upp(iSourceList.c1),len(pContents)),kTrue) ;; leading occurrence
> (the one I mentioned in my previous post did not work)
> Many thanks
> Mischa
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> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: omnisdev-en-bounces at lists.omnis-dev.com [mailto:omnisdev-en-bounces at lists.omnis-dev.com] Im Auftrag von ADJob
> Gesendet: Mittwoch, 18. März 2015 20:08
> An: omnisdev-en at lists.omnis-dev.com
> Betreff: Re: Type-Ahead Combo
> Hi Mischa,
>> On windows, it displays the system classes, regardless which key is entered
>> - is this on purpose?
> Yes. System classes is loaded in $construct as iv_LIST_SOURCE as demo. Load whatever you want.
>> Ok, now I understand - the demo searches for *any* occurrence of the entered
>> string within the list strings:
> Yes. If the list is a combination of codes and text, you can search both code (normally in the beginning) text (normally ”any” occurrence) to load the code.
>> So to fill the list with strings *starting* with the entered values you
>> would need to do something like
>> Do
>> iv_LIST_SOURCE.$filter(left(upp(pv_CONTENTS),upp(iv_LIST_SOURCE.c1))>0,kTrue
>> )
> It might be very useful sometimes.
>> One little problem I encounter is that clicking the down button does not
>> display the full list.
> Fixed if you download again:
> http://www.adjob.se/download/typeaheadcombo.lbs.zip
> Note that this combo also is useful within complex grids. You do not have to play with lists within lists.
> /Mats_____________________________________________________________
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