Sleep command

Doug Easterbrook doug at
Wed Mar 4 20:20:33 EST 2015

hi Bas:

one more try with postgres.  there is a pg_sleep() function.

select pg_Sleep(10);  <-- waits 10 seconds
select current_timestamp;

Doug Easterbrook
Arts Management Systems Ltd.
mailto:doug at
Phone (403) 536-1205    Fax (403) 536-1210

> On Mar 4, 2015, at 4:35 PM, Bastiaan Olij <bastiaan at> wrote:
> Hey Ben,
> I'm doing something like that as well, it works great.
> Again my problem here is simply that I'm dealing with a legacy process
> and getting it to a point where I can cleanly exit the method and pick
> up where I left off when the process has finished isn't an option. It
> would have my preference, but its just too much to redo.
> Having a "Omnis go to sleep for 500ms, check if process is finished,
> loop if not" to insert into the existing code would be a minutes worth
> of work instead of hours of rewriting.

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