Subwindow Widgets in Omnis Studio (was: Displaying icons in a complex grid)

Mischa mischa at
Mon Mar 2 21:56:11 EST 2015

Dear all,

I've placed an article and a demo library about creating your own window components on my website:

I'm using the trick I learned from Bas (also outlined in TNGI0018) to set a variable as  dataname in a subwindow object, and access it within the subwindow. With a few tricks you can have a full implementation of the $dataname property, this means reading its contents and also changing it within the subwindow. These 'widgets' act like native Studio components, and are as easy to handle as an entry field - you drag it into your window, assign a variable and optionally parameters - that's all you need to do.

The possibilities are terrific - whatever window component you are missing - go and build it on your own.

The only limitation at the moment - subwindow widgets don't work in complex grids. The reason why is very complicated; the paradigms of complex grids and subwindows bite each other in some aspects. Anyway, with the help of TL Germany, I issued an enhancement request to fix this problem - hopefully it finds an opened ear ;)

Best greetings and thanks for your replies!

PS @ Sam - the idea of creating an icon font is very creative ;) - however creating a font is a hell of work (I did it already) and requires sophisticated and expensive software. Colored fonts are possible, but not really supported on any platform, but this might change in the future.

  T H E   O M N I S   L /\ B

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