O$6.1.1: Problem with object references stored in list

Grzegorz (Greg) Pasternak grzegorz at niagara.com
Sun Mar 1 11:10:22 EST 2015

I have the code that stores object reference in the list.  The list is stored in task variable that is instantiated in Startup.
In the same library there is Remote task that is instantiated to handle HTTP request.

Part of the request processing is to use object reference that has been created and is stored in the task variable.
I have noticed that upon searching the list for stored object reference inside the task variable the object reference gets destroyed.
As a result the returned object reference is NULL.

The above mechanism is working pretty well in Omnis Studio 5.1.

Has anybody observed the above behavior?
The manual clearly states that object references can be stored in lists and reused unless explicitly deleted or library closed.

Could it be that this is the new bug introduced in Studio 6.1.1 ?


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