O$ : running Studio 5 on a 64 Bit Linux

Rainer Greim rrg4omnisdev at online.de
Tue Jun 30 14:02:17 EDT 2015

Hi Andy,
for me it was a test to find out, what I have forgotten abut Linux all 
those years (Im a linux consultant since the starting of the first linux 
distros on floppy, but was earning my money with mainframes and suns).
If I would run Omnis in a that environment, it was really designed for, 
I dont think I would have these problems.

Our last inhouse Omnis project was running on a debian box for years but 
everybody was complaining about the slow web forms.
So it was migrated to c# and forgotten, and I got the Omnis Server, 
which is now running with win7, serving thin client interface.
Very stable, never had to reboot.. But often my J2EE and PHP/Apache stuff.

Im living in the embedded world, so maybe its also a market for Omnis 
serving these arm boxes.
See what they the can to with this boxes today 


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