SDLite and password

Rainer Greim rrg4omnisdev at
Tue Jun 30 03:22:42 EDT 2015

the only solution would help, is storing the data on a encrypted drive, 
or put the data into a blob which then is encrypted.
And dont forget to secure your connection with ssl.
But even you do this, how do you make sure, there is no data stored at 
the client side to cache it or some temp data on the server (transaction 
files, journal files)
And encryption isnt the performance killer, so you also have to think 
about hardware encryption or keycards, dongles at the client and server 
side with all the administration and security regulations you have to 

And then someone loses the master keys, and there is no backdoor or 
failover conecpt, or the admin is gone with all the information.....

BR Rainer

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