Register DLL
Phil at
Fri Jun 19 13:03:21 EDT 2015
Excellent news, thanks for sharing Henk.
On 19/06/2015 17:56, H.P. Noppe wrote:
> Hejhej guys!
> Some good news on this front:
> <>
> Omnis Studio patch will be available next week!
> grtz Henk
>> On 19 Jun 2015, at 14:48, Mike Matthews <omnis at> wrote:
>> Hello Robert,
>> Ah, that was my thread as well.
>> The quick solution is to only install the 32bit version of Studio v6.1 and ignore the 64bit version for a while. I'm not sure of the advantages of the 64bit vs the 32bit, any comments?
>> Then all should be good if the statements are true about how it is compiled.
>> Mike
>> Mike Matthews,
>> Managing Director, SQLWorks Software Ltd
>> Tel: +44 (0)1271 375999
>> Email: mike.matthews at
>> Web:
>> SQLWorks replaces Sage, ACT!, Opera, Access, SAP
>> On 19 Jun 2015, at 11:01, Robert Marson <rmarson at> wrote:
>>> Hello Mike,
>>> This question is very topical for me, as I have just installed the 64bit version and sure enough all my Win32 shell commands to open documents and Explorer folders are failing.
>>> I see that this was discussed back in January (22nd) under the title “Re: O$6.1 64bit, Very Nasty (WAS: Re: O$5: How to open an Explorer window)”
>>> What’s the progress on this, do we know? Anything from TigerLogic, or has anyone written that C++ extension to achieve this?
>>> My neck is somewhat on the block as I have to ring the client now who’s system has stopped working!
>>> Regards,
>>> Robert Marson
>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> From: "Mike Matthews" <omnis at>
>>> To: "OmnisDev List - English" <omnisdev-en at>
>>> Sent: Friday, June 19, 2015 7:51 AM
>>> Subject: Re: Register DLL
>>>> This will only work on v6.1 for 32bit Windows, not for 64bit. The Register DLL command was made unavailable by Microsoft, have a look back at recent posts from me.
>>>> I was just thinking last night what was the state of play for this problem.
>>>> Mike
>>>> Mike Matthews,
>>> Managing Director, SQLWorks Software Ltd
>>>> Tel: +44 (0)1271 375999
>>>> Email: mike.matthews at
>>>> Web:
>>>> SQLWorks replaces Sage, ACT!, Opera, Access, SAP
>>>> On 19 Jun 2015, at 06:52, "Chris Hughes" <ataddata at> wrote:
>>>>> This is what I use.
>>>>> Do LvSys.$assign(sys(1))
>>>>> Switch LvSys
>>>>> Case 5
>>>>> Register DLL ('Shell32.dll','ShellExecuteW','IJCCCCJ') Returns LvError
>>>>> Call DLL ('Shell32.dll','ShellExecuteW',LvHWND,'Open',LvPath,chr(0),chr(0),1) Returns LvError
>>>>> If LvError<>''
>>>>> Quit method
>>>>> End If
>>>>> Case 6
>>>>> Register DLL ('Shell32.dll','ShellExecuteW','IJCCCCJ') Returns LvError
>>>>> Call DLL ('Shell32.dll','ShellExecuteW',LvHWND,'Open',LvPath,chr(0),chr(0),1) Returns LvError
>>>>> If LvError<>''
>>>>> Quit method
>>>>> End If
>>>>> Default
>>>>> Register DLL ('Shell32.dll','ShellExecuteA','IJCCCCJ') Returns LvError
>>>>> Call DLL ('Shell32.dll','ShellExecuteA',LvHWND,'Open',LvPath,chr(0),chr(0),1) Returns LvError
>>>>> If LvError<>''
>>>>> Quit method
>>>>> End If
>>>>> End Switch
>>>>> Hope it works on Studio 6.1
>>>>> Chris Hughes
>>>>> Copious Data Pty Ltd (Trading as Atad Data)
>>>>> Unit 8 / 3460 Pacific Highway
>>>>> Springwood QLD 4127
>>>>> Phone:- 07 3208 6347
>>>>> Fax No:- 07 3208 9347
>>>>> Mobile:- 0409 263 349
>>>>> Email:- ataddata at
>>>>> Web Site:-
>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>> From: omnisdev-en [mailto:omnisdev-en-bounces at] On Behalf Of Bastiaan Olij
>>>>> Sent: Friday, 19 June 2015 8:54 AM
>>>>> To: omnisdev-en at
>>>>> Subject: Re: Register DLL
>>>>> Hi Ben,
>>>>> Shouldn't you be using ShellExecuteW as you're on Unicode? ShellExecuteA is a non-unicode function.
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> Bas
>>>>> On 19/06/2015 8:29 am, Ben Weinberg wrote:
>>>>>> Listers:
>>>>>> Using O$6.1.2 (64 bit) on Windows Server 2012 (testing on server) and trying to open xxx.pdf files with:
>>>>>> Register DLL ("SHELL32.DLL","ShellExecuteA","JJCCCCJ")
>>>>>> Call DLL ("SHELL32.DLL","ShellExecuteA",0,"open",iFileName,"","",1)
>>>>>> Returns iResult
>>>>>> This doesn’t work. Is there a replacement method that works?
>>>>>> Ben Weinberg
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