Test on Linux 64 bit - Server

Rainer Greim rrg4omnisdev at online.de
Wed Jun 17 10:28:49 EDT 2015

one of the reasons for using omnis was the ability to use it with linux...
But no one is really asking for it until this year, so I have setup a 64 
Bit Linux Box.
I tried my luck (O$43...O$511) with the 32 bit extensions, Gnome, KDE, 
but no luck with a GUI for entering the serial number.
I had one positve try, by copying a lot of missing libs to the disk, but 
: after every character you have to answer a popup.

So u have the following options:
-use only the server with a serial.txt described in the howtos.
-go shopping and get a 64 bit version.
-run the server and edit your libs on another box with windows or mac.
-or not the fastest gui but runs (somehow). Use wine (apt-get install 
wine) or a commercial version of it - crossover- .

Hope this info is useful.


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