Omnis 64 bit ,run dll

Vik Shah Vik at
Thu Jun 11 22:41:30 EDT 2015


> So I want to make a procedure that uses this on a 64 bit machine and the old one on a 32 bit .
> Only , how do I tell when I’m running the 32 bit or the the 64bit version ?
> There isn’t a sys(x) function for it ?

That depends on what you are trying to do?

So here is what you can do to get what you are after
1. to find out if you are running 32/64-bit windows run this in your cmd prompt and get the return.

C:\>wmic OS get OSArchitecture

2. Now to fin out if you are on a 32/64-bit CPU, 


Hope that helps.


Vik Shah

> On 11 Jun 2015, at 22:20, KRIS GEERTS <kjtgeerts at> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have searched for a way to overcome the fact that omnis 6.1.2 lost the ability to register a dll and run it .
> I used it expecially for knowing the logon credentials (of windows) in omnis .
> So .. I found a way with the registry …although I indeed think it is not so secure …
> Here is what I came up with 
> Do $extobjects.RegAdmin.$objects.RegAdmin.$newref() Returns lorRegistry
> Do lorRegistry.$openkey(kRegAdminKeyCurrentUser,"Volatile Environment") Returns #F
> Do lorRegistry.$getvalue("USERNAME") Returns L_Value
> Do lorRegistry.$closekey() Returns #F
> I now have the username into L_Value 
> good enough for my internal use but I doubt if would be the case for all .
> So I want to make a procedure that uses this on a 64 bit machine and the old one on a 32 bit .
> Only , how do I tell when I’m running the 32 bit or the the 64bit version ?
> Ther isn’t a sys(x) function for it ?
> Any help appriciated 
> Kris
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