Supressing Omnis internal Error / OK messages

Doug Easterbrook doug at
Thu Jun 11 09:05:07 EDT 2015

hi Chris:

As you pointed out, generally, you do not want a server process to have a dialog message, whether running as server, or via the interface.   So the question is how to silence the message and let the server processes keep on running  AND still know about them.

If you are running with a GUI interface, you can generally get rid of most messages by declaring an omnis error handler.  Refer to the command ‘load error handler’ and you can declare which ranges of omnis errors you want ot deal with.  In our code, we handle both omnis errors and warnings with custom exception methods.

Load error handler Common.$OmnisErrorHandler (100000,999999999)
Load error handler Common.$OmnisWarningHandler (100,99999)

the other way is to start your application as a service from the command line.  Both mac and windows can be done this way.   Then there is no gui (or shouldn't’ be) and you need to make sure that you don’t open any dialogs yourselves.         We do this as well.

But then, how do you know your server failed?   You can log to the database if you want.
But what if database connection failed?  Well the other way is to log to some external process.

For the coolness of it all, we’ve installed our own ‘sentry’ server.   (you can pay them, or you can install it as it is open source). Every time we hit an error within our application, be it in the error handler, or if we see some unexpected error condition, we fire off a message to our server and we see them aggregated — because sentry tracks the frequency of the condition and does it in the background.

its made a huge difference to us targeting the silent server errors —

We hope to be doing a session on thins at euromnis this year…      excellent tool for the toolshed… and free (if you install it yourself).

Doug Easterbrook
Arts Management Systems Ltd.
mailto:doug at
Phone (403) 536-1205    Fax (403) 536-1210

> On Jun 11, 2015, at 6:19 AM, Chris Webb <Chris.Webb at> wrote:
> Hi All,
> Omnis version 4.3 - Windows.
> As part of an implementation, we have created the ability to run 'scheduled tasks' to auto run certain library methods for processing.
> Every so often, if a failure occurs (E.g. a list or row has lost its database session) the 'process' reports an OK message error with details of where the problem is.
> These messages are not coded and appear to be generated by Omnis (having a title of 'Omnis Studio').  As these processes are left completely unattended, these OK messages halt any further processing of information until actioned.
> Is there any way of suppressing these seemingly internally generated messages?
> Thanks in advance
> Regards
> Chris
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