Supressing Omnis internal Error / OK messages

Bruno Del Sol bruno.delsol at
Thu Jun 11 08:31:09 EDT 2015


What you describe is odd and should not happen... A couple of questions :

- Have you set up an error handler within your application ?
Normally any error trapped by an error handler doesn't show dialog boxes unless you code it.

- if your Omnis app is unattended, why don't you run it as a service, whow will, as a side effect, get rid of any ok 
messages ?


By Design
Bruno Del Sol
bruno.delsol at
tel (33) 01 48 78 47 37
46, rue de La Tour d'Auvergne
75009 Paris (France)

Le 11/06/15 14:19, Chris Webb a écrit :
> Hi All,
> Omnis version 4.3 - Windows.
> As part of an implementation, we have created the ability to run 'scheduled tasks' to auto run certain library methods for processing.
> Every so often, if a failure occurs (E.g. a list or row has lost its database session) the 'process' reports an OK message error with details of where the problem is.
> These messages are not coded and appear to be generated by Omnis (having a title of 'Omnis Studio').  As these processes are left completely unattended, these OK messages halt any further processing of information until actioned.
> Is there any way of suppressing these seemingly internally generated messages?
> Thanks in advance
> Regards
> Chris
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