Searching Omnis-Dev List

Martin Luce martinluce at
Tue Jun 9 11:36:43 EDT 2015


How does one search the list now? I do not seem to get anything useful from the trying to search for a subject. I am probably going the wrong way about it

Current problem. I have a multi column list and I want to be able to edit a value in a cell. I was thinking of putting an ‘edit' button on top of each column heading which would open a complex grid and populate it with the values of that column. I know that I could load the list line but the line would be too long to handle easily and the list can have a varying number of columns.

If I put a button on top of the list box, I cannot find a way of it not disappearing behind the list in user mode. 

I expect that there is a more elegant way to achieve what I want to do which would be good to look at, but how do I keep the button in front?


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