O7:Semaphores etc.

Daniel Sananes daniel.s at kopparbergs.se
Sun Jun 7 09:37:17 EDT 2015

Coming back to the question abour semaphores etc. and files being in use by another user.
Am implementing the suggestions made by Randy and bub some week ago.
But now I see that if a record is set to Read/Write another user (me) cannot find that record if I as well has set the file to Read/Write.
So, in my code:
Begin reversible block
    Set main file client
    Set Read/write files {client}
    Do not wait for semaphores
End reversible block
Find on clientSEQ (Exact match)
If flag true
    ; YES if Set read only, NO if Set Read/Write
    ; YES if Set Read/Write
End if

How am I to test this? I don't know why the client is not found.
This was not covered by Randy and bub.

Daniel Sananés

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