Open URL

Bruno Del Sol bruno.delsol at
Fri Jun 5 09:13:51 EDT 2015

Hi Kris,

in a server side remote form's methods you can use $cinst.$showurl('')

Unfortunatly, it doesn't work in a client side method (last time i checked was 6.0.3), so client side, we use this 
method as a repalcement for $showurl() :

; takes 3 parameters page Var '', getparams Var '', target Var '_self'
; is execclient(kTrue)
;  Do $cinst.$showurl(url,'_self') won't work on ios client side

If not(pos('?',page))
If len(getparams)
Calculate page as con(page,'?',getparams)
End If
End If

If target='_self'
JavaScript: document.location.href=encodeURI(page);
Else If target='replace'     ;; change location without putting the new page in history
JavaScript: window.location.replace(encodeURI(page));
End If


By Design
Bruno Del Sol
bruno.delsol at
tel (33) 01 48 78 47 37
46, rue de La Tour d'Auvergne
75009 Paris (France)

Le 05/06/15 12:52, KRIS GEERTS a écrit :
> Hi all,
> Probably a stupid question but I can’t seem to find it .
> I want to redirect from in a remoteform to another webpage of my choice .
> And I want to take with me the parameters I recieved earlier in the sending page
> So I search for something like open url or something like that but can’t seem to find it
> I use omnis 6
> Any help is appreciated
> Kris
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