AW: Updating live Xcomps & Externals

DATAX AG, Florian Binder fb at
Tue Jun 2 03:43:52 EDT 2015

Hi All,

in the development version of O$ it is possible to load a xcomp from any location and to unload an xcomp but I haven't figured out yet how to do this via notation.

Mit freundlichen Gruessen
DATAX AG Unternehmensberatung

Florian Binder
DATAX AG Unternehmensberatung
Aixheimer Strasse 12
70619 Stuttgart
Fon: +49 711 47667-0
Fax: +49 711 47667-29
fb at
Vorstand: Christian Hirzel (Vorstandsvorsitzender), Jakob Hirzel
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats: Herbert Graef
Amtsgericht Stuttgart HRB 13 127

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: omnisdev-en [mailto:omnisdev-en-bounces at] Im Auftrag von Marten Verhoeven
Gesendet: Montag, 1. Juni 2015 14:42
An: omnisdev-en at
Betreff: RE: Updating live Xcomps & Externals

Hi All,

It is easy to update your library, it would be nice if you could update your xcomp the same way. As explained by Bas this is probably not very realistic with the current OS requirements. For it to be doable you probably would need to be able to load or unload a dll (from for example your user appdata directory) from within Omnis. As that currently isn't possible we create an installer. Not with Bitrock, but with Advanced Installer, because it creates .MSI installers. And you can add a .MSI to the windows policy so you can easily deploy to all specified computers automatically.

With kind regards,

Marten Verhoeven

-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
Van: omnisdev-en [mailto:omnisdev-en-bounces at] Namens Bastiaan Olij
Verzonden: maandag 1 juni 2015 2:39
Aan: omnisdev-en at
Onderwerp: Re: Updating live Xcomps & Externals

Hi All,

Just to chip in my 5 cents worth, we build updaters with bitrock to put new files in place (new libraries, which go into firstruninstall and get copied into the users folder when Omnis starts, new xcomps, etc). We extract the updater from our database, save it in the users download folder, start it up, and quit out of Omnis. It is the approach nearly every software vendor uses these days and the one enforced on all app stores nowadays.

Not withstanding the issues of updating files that are in use while Omnis is running, UAC on Windows requires elevated rights to make changes to anything within program files (with good reason), Gatekeeper on Mac is not far behind. It doesn't require it yet, though it can be set to do so, but it won't be long until Apple follows Microsoft lead and makes it mandatory, they've send out plenty of warning signals its coming, better be ready.

Everyone is already doing so on mobile platforms as they don't have to deal with pesky oldtimers like us who have always made our changes directly and cry foul when our OS vendor does the right thing and closes off that avenue of attack. It remains one of the best defenses against malware being installed on your computer and it is fast becoming industry standard.

So you can keep trying to live update your application from within Omnis, I applaud you for it, but keep in mind that there will be a day when you hit a wall. Yes on Windows you can install outside of program files (until you hit a client that refuses to do so for all the right reasons), yes you can turn gatekeeper of (until you hit a client that refuses to do so for all the right reasons), but its a temporary solution at best, eventually you'll need to be playing by todays rule book even if you hate the rules. 

Be warned :)



On 1/06/2015 3:03 am, Mike Matthews wrote:
> After some more stubborn work, it looks like I can move open Externals and Xcomps on Windows.  So I first make an xcomp-disabled folder, move the current open ones there, copy the new ones into the live comp folder, restart Omnis and all groovy.  
> This is using current FileOps commands, and for Windows only.
> For OSX, I'll have to do as Kelly suggests, Zip it, then move, and then expand it.  But this will only work for adding new Xcomps I think, as doing this to a live open comp sounds dangerous and impossible to do (nearly).
> So for OSX, we need the do FileOps.$moveFolder command really.
> And for all platforms, the ability to unload comps/externals during runtime.
> Thanks for the suggestions, I have asked TL for the enhancement, so 
> hopefully that will be ready by Friday. :)
> Mike

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