July 2015 Archives by author
Starting: Wed Jul 1 04:21:07 EDT 2015
Ending: Fri Jul 31 23:37:45 EDT 2015
Messages: 293
- O$ Set current field
Phil (OmnisList)
- Find on Boolean
Phil (OmnisList)
- Strange problem PostgreSQL 9.3.5 database
Phil (OmnisList)
- Strange problem PostgreSQL 9.3.5 database
Phil (OmnisList)
- O$ Disable Output devices in report destination window
EurOmnis 2015
- O$ Disable Output devices in report destination window
EurOmnis 2015
- Praise for TL (was Re: heads-up on Studio )
EurOmnis 2015
- Praise for TL (was Re: heads-up on Studio )
EurOmnis 2015
- Update data dictionary
EurOmnis 2015
- Tighter security on the next Mac OS X
EurOmnis 2015
- OS on Mac problems crashing
- OS612 Omnis adds and modifies code randomly
- Disable a line in a Popup list
Jean Marc Azerad
- Disable a line in a Popup list
Jean Marc Azerad
- Disable a line in a Popup list
Jean Marc Azerad
- Disable a line in a Popup list
Jean Marc Azerad
- Disable a line in a Popup list
Jean Marc Azerad
- SQLite and Password
Jean Marc Azerad
- Task vars in Studio 6.0
Jean Marc Azerad
- Task vars in Studio 6.0
Rudolf Bargholz
- Windows 10
Rudolf Bargholz
- Tighter security on the next Mac OS X
Keith Bartlett
- Latest ODB patches not promptly letting go of user count ?
Stephen Baugh
- Studio - Mac - Key Combo to break into code
Stephen Baugh
- Latest ODB patches not promptly letting go of user count ?
Stephen Baugh
- O$: Postgres vs. Firebird
Sten-Erik Björling
- Studio 6.1.x OS requirements
David Blaymires
- FileOps Error -124 (O$, Mac OS X, Non Unicode)
Kelly Burgess
- Disable a line in a Popup list
Kelly Burgess
- special character
Kelly Burgess
- Risks of Upgrading
Kelly Burgess
- O7 encstr function, how does it work?
Kelly Burgess
- O$ Disable Output devices in report destination window
Andrew Clow
- Generate Random secure number in O$
Gary Connor
- Generate Random secure number in O$
Gary Connor
- Generate Random secure number in O$
Gary Connor
- Generate Random secure number in O$
Gary Connor
- Omnis 7 daily data file corruption
Gary Connor
- Omnis 7 daily data file corruption
Gary Connor
- SV: Find after closing one of the datafiles
Jim Creak
- Fileformats contra datafile
Jim Creak
- O$ - lst() vs notation
Jim Creak
- O$ - lst() vs notation
Jim Creak
- O7 Conversion
Jim Creak
- O7 Conversion
Jim Creak
- AW: Generate Random secure number in O$
DATAX AG, Florian Binder
- Awesomium XCOMP
Derek Delpero
- Events triggered by down arrow (or UP) on a combo box
Derek Delpero
- Importing large text files
Doug Easterbrook
- O$ - lst() vs notation (EXPLiCIT vs IMPLICIT testing -- better to go EXPLICIT)
Doug Easterbrook
- Omnis Studio 5.x and SSL 3
Doug Easterbrook
- O$: Postgres vs. Firebird
Doug Easterbrook
- Tighter security on the next Mac OS X
Doug Easterbrook
- Tighter security on the next Mac OS X
Doug Easterbrook
- connecting to Postgres using SSL
Doug Easterbrook
- connecting to Postgres using SSL
Doug Easterbrook
- Risks of Upgrading
Doug Easterbrook
- Risks of Upgrading
Doug Easterbrook
- Strange problem PostgreSQL 9.3.5 database
Doug Easterbrook
- Strange problem PostgreSQL 9.3.5 database
Doug Easterbrook
- Strange problem PostgreSQL 9.3.5 database
Doug Easterbrook
- O7 encstr function, how does it work?
Steve Farmer
- O7 encstr function, how does it work?
Steve Farmer
- Email smtp.office365.com Issue
Bob Fiering
- Email smtp.office365.com Issue (STARTTLS in Omnis 5.3.2 partly solved)
Bob Fiering
- Risks of Upgrading
Bob Fiering
- Strange problem PostgreSQL 9.3.5 database
Bob Fiering
- Strange problem PostgreSQL 9.3.5 database
Bob Fiering
- Strange problem PostgreSQL 9.3.5 database
Bob Fiering
- Strange problem PostgreSQL 9.3.5 database
Bob Fiering
- O$ Prompt for page setup (and other windows) and timers
Steve Finger
- O$ Prompt for page setup (and other windows) and timers
Steve Finger
- O$ Prompt for page setup (and other windows) and timers
Steve Finger
- special character
Geir Fjærli
- Disable a line in a Popup list
Peter van Rooij Gmail
- Task vars in Studio 6.0
Peter van Rooij Gmail
- Task vars in Studio 6.0
Peter van Rooij Gmail
- O$ : running Studio 5 on a 64 Bit Linux
Rainer Greim
- Omnis VS Crystal reports
Rainer Greim
- O$: Postgres vs. Firebird
Rainer Greim
- SQLite and Password
Rainer Greim
- special character
Rainer Greim
- special character
Rainer Greim
- Web applications
Rainer Greim
- Web applications
Rainer Greim
- Generate Random secure number in O$
Rainer Greim
- Generate Random secure number in O$
Rainer Greim
- Importing large text files
Rainer Greim
- O$: Postgres vs. Firebird
Rainer Greim
- O$: Postgres vs. Firebird
Rainer Greim
- Find on Boolean
Alan Grinberg
- Unable to connect to MySQL - Can't create socket
Alan Grinberg
- O$ - lst() vs notation
Alan Grinberg
- RemoteApp and Omnis Studio
Alan Grinberg
- Risks of Upgrading
Derrick Halvey
- Importing large text files
Andy Hilton
- OS612 Omnis adds and modifies code randomly
Andy Hilton
- Tighter security on the next Mac OS X
Andy Hilton
- Tighter security on the next Mac OS X
Andy Hilton
- PL/pgSQL programmer needed, omnis 7 business logic conversion to sql
John Hosmer
- OS on Mac problems crashing
Michael Houlberg
- Web applications
Chris Hughes
- Web applications
Chris Hughes
- O$ - lst() vs notation
Nigel Hughes
- O$ - lst() vs notation
Nigel Hughes
- Studio 6.1.x OS requirements
- Awesomium XCOMP
Clifford Ilkay
- Awesomium XCOMP
Clifford Ilkay
- Awesomium XCOMP
Clifford Ilkay
- Awesomium XCOMP
Clifford Ilkay
- Web applications
Clifford Ilkay
- Omnis 7 daily data file corruption
Clifford Ilkay
- iOS and SMTPSend
Patrick Insko
- iOS and SMTPSend - SOLVED
Patrick Insko
- O$ - lst() vs notation
Kevin James
- O$ - lst() vs notation
Kevin James
- OS on Mac problems crashing
Dave Jobling
- OS on Mac problems crashing
Dave Jobling
- OS on Mac problems crashing
Dave Jobling
- Text disappearing on butons
Dave Jobling
- Text disappearing on butons
Dave Jobling
- Awesomium XCOMP
Jeffrey Jones
- ChargeItPro Object - Studio 4
Jeffrey Jones
- Omnis 7 daily data file corruption
Jordan, Christopher
- Omnis 7 daily data file corruption
Jordan, Christopher
- Omnis 7 daily data file corruption
Jordan, Christopher
- Omnis 7 daily data file corruption
Jordan, Christopher
- Omnis 7 daily data file corruption
Jordan, Christopher
- Omnis 7 daily data file corruption
Jordan, Christopher
- Omnis 7 Datafile Issue?
Jordan, Christopher
- Omnis 7 Datafile Issue?
Jordan, Christopher
- Omnis 7 daily data file corruption
Jordan, Christopher
- Yosemite
Martin Luce
- Value changes
Martin Luce
- Omnis 7 daily data file corruption
Martin Luce
- O$ Prompt for page setup (and other windows) and timers
Michael Mantkowski
- O$ - lst() vs notation
Michael Mantkowski
- Re: O$ - lst() vs notation
Michael Mantkowski
- O$ - lst() vs notation
Michael Mantkowski
- O$ - lst() vs notation
Michael Mantkowski
- O$ - lst() vs notation
Michael Mantkowski
- O$ - lst() vs notation
Michael Mantkowski
- Omnis 7 daily data file corruption
Michael Mantkowski
- Risks of Upgrading
Michael Mantkowski
- Studio - Mac - Key Combo to break into code
Michael Mantkowski
- special character
Kim Martel
- special character
Kim Martel
- FileOps Error -124 (O$, Mac OS X, Non Unicode)
Mike Matthews
- FileOps Error -124 (O$, Mac OS X, Non Unicode)
Mike Matthews
- O7: Indexes in fileformats
Mike Matthews
- OS on Mac problems crashing
Mike Matthews
- Omnis 7 daily data file corruption
Mike Matthews
- Tighter security on the next Mac OS X
Mike Matthews
- Tighter security on the next Mac OS X
Mike Matthews
- Tighter security on the next Mac OS X
Mike Matthews
- Tighter security on the next Mac OS X
Mike Matthews
- Tighter security on the next Mac OS X
Mike Matthews
- RemoteApp and Omnis Studio
David McKeone
- Disable a line in a Popup list
- AW: Omnis 7 Datafile Issue?
- Fwd: FTP on O$4.3
Dawid Mocke
- O$4 - FTP
Dawid Mocke
- Generate Random secure number in O$
Dawid Mocke
- Generate Random secure number in O$
Dawid Mocke
- Generate Random secure number in O$
Dawid Mocke
- Importing large text files
Dawid Mocke
- Tighter security on the next Mac OS X
Michael Monschau
- Tighter security on the next Mac OS X
Michael Monschau
- Tighter security on the next Mac OS X
Michael Monschau
- Omnis Studio 5.x and SSL 3
H.P. Noppe
- O$ Disable Output devices in report destination window
Brian O'Sullivan
- Task vars in Studio 6.0
Brian O'Sullivan
- combo box $contents trailing the actual content
Brian O'Sullivan
- combo box $contents trailing the actual content
Brian O'Sullivan
- OS on Mac problems crashing
Bastiaan Olij
- Awesomium XCOMP
Bastiaan Olij
- Text disappearing on butons
Bastiaan Olij
- O$ Prompt for page setup (and other windows) and timers
Bastiaan Olij
- Praise for TL (was Re: heads-up on Studio )
Bastiaan Olij
- O$4 - FTP
Bastiaan Olij
- Detecting right-click line in list
Bastiaan Olij
- Task vars in Studio 6.0
Bastiaan Olij
- Importing large text files
Bastiaan Olij
- Tighter security on the next Mac OS X
Bastiaan Olij
- Tighter security on the next Mac OS X
Bastiaan Olij
- Tighter security on the next Mac OS X
Bastiaan Olij
- Tighter security on the next Mac OS X
Bastiaan Olij
- Tighter security on the next Mac OS X
Bastiaan Olij
- Tighter security on the next Mac OS X
Bastiaan Olij
- Tighter security on the next Mac OS X
Bastiaan Olij
- Tighter security on the next Mac OS X
Bastiaan Olij
- Tighter security on the next Mac OS X
Bastiaan Olij
- Tighter security on the next Mac OS X
Bastiaan Olij
- Tighter security on the next Mac OS X
Bastiaan Olij
- Tighter security on the next Mac OS X
Bastiaan Olij
- Terminal server (was: Tighter security on the next Mac OS X)
Bastiaan Olij
- connecting to Postgres using SSL
Bastiaan Olij
- combo box $contents trailing the actual content
Bastiaan Olij
- Yosemite
Alain Stouder Omnis
- OS on Mac problems crashing
Alain Stouder Omnis
- Praise for TL (was Re: heads-up on Studio )
Alain Stouder Omnis
- Omnis 7 daily data file corruption
Alain Stouder Omnis
- iOS and SMTPSend
Alain Stouder Omnis
- Tighter security on the next Mac OS X
Alain Stouder Omnis
- Risks of Upgrading
Alain Stouder Omnis
- Risks of Upgrading
Alain Stouder Omnis
- Excel 2016
Alain Stouder Omnis
- Excel 2016
Alain Stouder Omnis
- Excel 2016
Alain Stouder Omnis
- Omnis VS Crystal reports
Wendy Osbaldestin
- Fileformats contra datafile
Wendy Osbaldestin
- Data dictionary again
Wendy Osbaldestin
- Generate Random secure number in O$
Wendy Osbaldestin
- Omnis 7 daily data file corruption
Wendy Osbaldestin
- Omnis 7 daily data file corruption
Wendy Osbaldestin
- Omnis 7 daily data file corruption
Wendy Osbaldestin
- Latest ODB patches not promptly letting go of user count ?
Reg Paling
- Latest ODB patches not promptly letting go of user count ?
Reg Paling
- Task vars in Studio 6.0
Grzegorz (Greg) Pasternak
- Task vars in Studio 6.0
Grzegorz (Greg) Pasternak
- Task vars in Studio 6.0
Grzegorz (Greg) Pasternak
- O$ - lst() vs notation
Grzegorz (Greg) Pasternak
- Studio - Mac - Key Combo to break into code
Andrew Pavey
- FileOps Error -124 (O$, Mac OS X, Non Unicode)
Mirko Pepa
- FileOps Error -124 (O$, Mac OS X, Non Unicode) - Resolved
Mirko Pepa
- Detecting right-click line in list
Jock Philip
- Detecting right-click line in list
Jock Philip
- combo box $contents trailing the actual content
Jock Philip
- combo box $contents trailing the actual content
Jock Philip
- combo box $contents trailing the actual content
Jock Philip
- Events triggered by down arrow (or UP) on a combo box
Jock Philip
- connecting to Postgres using SSL
Lou Picciano
- Strange problem PostgreSQL 9.3.5 database
Lou Picciano
- Strange problem PostgreSQL 9.3.5 database
Lou Picciano
- Strange problem PostgreSQL 9.3.5 database
Lou Picciano
- heads-up on Studio
Jim Pistrang
- showpdf $clientcommand
Jim Pistrang
- Tighter security on the next Mac OS X
Jim Pistrang
- O$: change the column widths of a JS data grid control
Jim Pistrang
- change the column widths of a JS data grid control
Jim Pistrang
- Omnis VS Crystal reports
Dan Ridinger
- Importing large text files
Dan Ridinger
- Task vars in Studio 6.0
Michael Rowan
- Find on Boolena
Daniel Sananes
- SV: Find on Boolean
Daniel Sananes
- Find after closing one of the datafiles
Daniel Sananes
- SV: Find after closing one of the datafiles
Daniel Sananes
- SV: Find after closing one of the datafiles
Daniel Sananes
- SV: Find after closing one of the datafiles
Daniel Sananes
- SV: SV: Find after closing one of the datafiles
Daniel Sananes
- O7: Indexes in fileformats
Daniel Sananes
- SV: Disable a line in a Popup list
Daniel Sananes
- Fileformats contra datafile
Daniel Sananes
- SV: Fileformats contra datafile
Daniel Sananes
- Update data dictionary
Daniel Sananes
- Data dictionary again
Daniel Sananes
- Task vars in Studio 6.0
Alan Schmidt
- Task vars in Studio 6.0
Alan Schmidt
- Task vars in Studio 6.0
Alan Schmidt
- Task vars in Studio 6.0
Alan Schmidt
- Task vars in Studio 6.0
Alan Schmidt
- Task vars in Studio 6.0
Alan Schmidt
- Task vars in Studio 6.0
Alan Schmidt
- Task vars in Studio 6.0
Alan Schmidt
- Task vars in Studio 6.0
Alan Schmidt
- Task vars in Studio 6.0
Alan Schmidt
- Task vars in Studio 6.0
Alan Schmidt
- Task vars in Studio 6.0
Alan Schmidt
- Risks of Upgrading
Alan Schmidt
- Excel 2016
Alan Schmidt
- Excel 2016
Alan Schmidt
- Excel 2016
Alan Schmidt
- special character
Vik Shah
- Latest ODB patches not promptly letting go of user count ?
Vik Shah
- Developer Available.
Vik Shah
- Latest ODB patches not promptly letting go of user count ?
Vik Shah
- Latest ODB patches not promptly letting go of user count ?
Vik Shah
- AW: Referencing nested lists - challenge
Udo Sonnabend
- Omnis VS Crystal reports
Bill Steer
- Unable to connect to MySQL - Can't create socket
Andrew Stolarz
- connecting to Postgres using SSL
Andrew Stolarz
- Omnis VS Crystal reports
Terence J. young, DC
- Task vars in Studio 6.0
Terence J. young, DC
- O$: Zoom to Record from Screen Report
Denis Woodbury
- change the column widths of a JS data grid control
JR Wright
- O$ Set current field
Jacques Zemron
- Find after closing one of the datafiles
George Ziemann
- Find after closing one of the datafiles
George Ziemann
- Update data dictionary
George Ziemann
- Generate Random secure number in O$
George Ziemann
- O7 Conversion
George Ziemann
- O7 Conversion
George Ziemann
- O7 Conversion
George Ziemann
Last message date:
Fri Jul 31 23:37:45 EDT 2015
Archived on: Tue Nov 3 18:17:17 EST 2020
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).