June 2014 Archives by author
Starting: Mon Jun 2 02:03:26 EDT 2014
Ending: Mon Jun 30 18:56:11 EDT 2014
Messages: 281
- problems with windows 8 and omnis studio 4.3.1
Jock Philip (jock at visionchips.com)
- EorOmnis 2014
EurOmnis 2014
- EurOmnis 2014 Announcement
EurOmnis 2014
- EurOmnis 2014 Announcement 2
EurOmnis 2014
- AW: problems with windows 8 and omnis studio 4.3.1
Rudolf Bargholz
- AW: problems with windows 8 and omnis studio 4.3.1
Rudolf Bargholz
- AW: Blank screen on loading Runtime under Win 7
Rudolf Bargholz
- AW: Best Omnis Replacement Opinions Please -- augment is a good approach
Rudolf Bargholz
- AW: Best Omnis Replacement Opinions Please -- augment is a good approach
Rudolf Bargholz
- AW: $O 6.02 - HTML & RTF Control Missing?
Rudolf Bargholz
- AW: O$, Postgres, LIKE
Rudolf Bargholz
- AW: Best Omnis Replacement Opinions Please -- augment is a good approach
Rudolf Bargholz
- AW: Best Omnis Replacement Opinions Please -- augment is a good approach
Rudolf Bargholz
- AW: Best Omnis Replacement Opinions Please -- augment is a good approach
Rudolf Bargholz
- Controlling CTRL+C
David Barnett
- O$ On-screen keyboard?
Keith Bartlett
- Aqua Connect and Studio
David Blaymires
- Aqua Connect and Studio
David Blaymires
- O7:Multiuser
David Blaymires
- O7:Multiuser extra
David Blaymires
- O7:Multiuser extra
David Blaymires
- O$6 and Windows Terminal Server
David Blaymires
- O$6 and Windows Terminal Server
David Blaymires
- Career Bragging, One Time Fun Stuff Only
Bryan Brodie
- iCloud / Omnis database feature idea
Bryan Brodie
- O$ On-screen keyboard?
Kelly Burgess
- ODB StartupItems File
Kelly Burgess
- $O 6.02 - HTML & RTF Control Missing?
Ben Butler
- $O 6.02 - HTML & RTF Control Missing?
Ben Butler
- O7:Multiuser extra
Gary Connor
- O7:Multiuser extra
Gary Connor
- Best Omnis Replacement Opinions Please -- augment is a good approach
Gary Connor
- Studio on OS X 10.10 Yosemite
Stefan Csomor
- Studio on OS X 10.10 Yosemite
Stefan Csomor
- Omnis Studio discussions to Google Groups.
Ken Dimson
- O$6 and Windows Terminal Server
Ken Dimson
- Best Omnis Replacement Opinions Please -- augment is a good approach
Doug Easterbrook
- O$6.x: headed list selected lines color
Doug Easterbrook
- O$, Postgres, LIKE --> use ilike
Doug Easterbrook
- O$, Postgres, LIKE --> use ilike and anything else that works
Doug Easterbrook
- omnisdev-en Digest, Vol 74, Issue 22
Doug Easterbrook
- O$6 and Windows Terminal Server
Doug Easterbrook
- O$6 and Windows Terminal Server
Doug Easterbrook
- Passing Omnis constants as parameters to a method
Elliot, Duncan
- SMTPSend and Omnis 6.0.2
Jan Eskilsson
- SMTPSend and Omnis 6.0.2
Jan Eskilsson
- Best Omnis Replacement Opinions Please -- augment is a good approach
Jan Eskilsson
- O$ 5 and FrontBase 5
Jan Eskilsson
- ODB StartupItems File
David Ferri
- problems with windows 8 and omnis studio 4.3.1
Bob Fiering
- Best Omnis Replacement Opinions Please
Geir Fjærli
- Best Omnis Replacement Options Please
- Best Omnis Replacement Opinions Please
- ODBC dam, MacOs
Peter van Rooij Gmail
- Best Omnis Replacement Opinions Please
Das Goravani
- Best Omnis Replacement Opinions Please
Das Goravani
- Best Omnis Replacement Opinions Please
Das Goravani
- Best Omnis Replacement Opinions Please
Das Goravani
- Best Omnis Replacement Opinions Please
Das Goravani
- Career Bragging, One Time Fun Stuff Only
Das Goravani
- Best Omnis Replacement Opinions Please
Das Goravani
- Any Listers in Los Angeles Area ?
Das Goravani
- Best Omnis Replacement Opinions Please
Rainer Greim
- Best Omnis Replacement Opinions Please
Rainer Greim
- The Future of Omnis (was: Best Omnis Replacement Opinions Please)
Rainer Greim
- The Future of Omnis (was: Best Omnis Replacement Opinions Please)
Rainer Greim
- Career Bragging, One Time Fun Stuff Only
Rainer Greim
- Best Omnis Replacement Opinions Please
Rainer Greim
- Best Omnis Replacement Opinions Please
Rainer Greim
- Best Omnis Replacement Opinions Please
Rainer Greim
- Best Omnis Replacement Opinions Please
Rainer Greim
- Best Omnis Replacement Opinions Please
Thomas Gräfenecker
- Best Omnis Replacement Opinions Please
Thomas Gräfenecker
- Studio on OS X 10.10 Yosemite
Erik Hagemeijer
- AW: Best Omnis Replacement Opinions Please -- augment is a good approach
Erik Hagemeijer
- O$, Postgres, LIKE --> use ilike
Erik Hagemeijer
- Best Omnis Replacement Opinions Please
Andy Hilton
- Passing Omnis constants as parameters to a method
Andy Hilton
- Blank screen on loading Runtime under Win 7
Andy Hilton
- Best Omnis Replacement Opinions Please -- augment is a good approach
Andy Hilton
- Best Omnis Replacement Opinions Please -- augment is a good approach
Andy Hilton
- O$ 5 and FrontBase 5
Andy Hilton
- O$, Postgres, LIKE --> use ilike
Andy Hilton
- O$, Postgres, LIKE --> use ilike and anything else that works
Andy Hilton
- O$, Postgres, LIKE --> use ilike and anything else that works
Andy Hilton
- O$, Postgres, LIKE --> use ilike and anything else that works
Andy Hilton
- O$, Postgres, LIKE --> use ilike and anything else that works
Andy Hilton
- O$6 and Windows Terminal Server
Andy Hilton
- SMTPSend and Omnis 6.0.2
Michael Houlberg
- List Searches
Chris Hughes
- Best Omnis Replacement Opinions Please
Anthony G. Anton III
- The Future of Omnis (was: Best Omnis Replacement Opinions Please)
- Best Omnis Replacement Opinions Please
- Best Omnis Replacement Opinions Please
- Best Omnis Replacement Opinions Please
- Best Omnis Replacement Opinions Please -- augment is a good approach
- Studio on OS X 10.10 Yosemite
- Best Omnis Replacement Opinions Please
Patrick Insko
- Best Omnis Replacement Opinions Please
Patrick Insko
- Best Omnis Replacement Opinions Please
Patrick Insko
- Best Omnis Replacement Opinions Please -- augment is a good approach
Patrick Insko
- Converting from Omni5 to Omnis7
Andrew James
- Converting from Omni5 to Omnis7
Andrew James
- O$ 5 and FrontBase 5
Geert Landuyt
- O$ 5 and FrontBase 5
Geert Landuyt
- Omnis Version for Mac OS X Mavericks
Stephen Lanza
- Re O$6 and Windows Terminal Server
Martin Luce
- Blank screen on loading Runtime under Win 7
- Blank screen on loading Runtime under Win 7
- O$6 and Windows Terminal Server
Michael Mantkowski
- O$6 and Windows Terminal Server
Michael Mantkowski
- Next Window in order...
Michael Mantkowski
- Next Window in order...
Michael Mantkowski
- Best Omnis Replacement Opinions Please
Mike Matthews
- Converting from Omni5 to Omnis7
Mike Matthews
- Converting from Omni5 to Omnis7
Mike Matthews
- Converting from Omni5 to Omnis7
Mike Matthews
- O$.523/Mac OS 10.8.5 : Return value seems lost.
Mike Matthews
- O$ 5 and FrontBase 5
Mike Matthews
- O$ 5 and FrontBase 5
Mike Matthews
- O$, Postgres, LIKE --> use ilike and anything else that works
Mike Matthews
- O$, Postgres, LIKE --> use ilike and anything else that works
Mike Matthews
- Best Omnis Replacement Opinions Please -- augment is a good approach
Scotte Meredith
- Omnis developer and website help available
Scotte Meredith
- The Future of Omnis (was: Best Omnis Replacement Opinions Please)
Stephen Miller
- Omnis Pricing
Stephen Miller
- wifi omnis native datafile
Stephen Miller
- wifi omnis native datafile
Stephen Miller
- wifi omnis native datafile
Stephen Miller
- Best Omnis Replacement Opinions Please -- augment is a good approach
Stephen Miller
- Converting from Omni5 to Omnis7
Stephen Miller
- Best Omnis Replacement Opinions Please -- augment is a good approach
Stephen Miller
- Controlling CTRL+C
Stephen Miller
- Batch processing of $sqltext
Stephen Miller
- O7: Cannot access Data File Tools
- Best Omnis Replacement Opinions Please
- O$.523/Mac OS 10.8.5 : Return value seems lost.
- O$.523/Mac OS 10.8.5 : Return value seems lost.
- Converting from Omni5 to Omnis7
- O$.523/Mac OS 10.8.5 : Return value seems lost.
- $sessionobject.$readonly.$canassign(UnfortunatelyNot)
- $sessionobject.$readonly.$canassign(UnfortunatelyNot)
- Batch processing of $sqltext
- Batch processing of $sqltext
- Batch processing of $sqltext
- Fwd: Controlling CTRL+C
Dawid Mocke
- Fwd: Controlling CTRL+C
Dawid Mocke
- Controlling CTRL+C
Dawid Mocke
- SMTPSend and Omnis 6.0.2
Michael Monschau
- Omnis Studio discussions to Google Groups.
Todd Mowbray
- O$6 and Windows Terminal Server
Todd Mowbray
- O$6 and Windows Terminal Server
Todd Mowbray
- Re O$6 and Windows Terminal Server
Todd Mowbray
- O$ On-screen keyboard?
Paul Mulroney
- O$ On-screen keyboard?
Paul Mulroney
- O$ On-screen keyboard?
Paul Mulroney
- O$ On-screen keyboard?
Paul Mulroney
- Controlling CTRL+C
GP Niagara
- GUID and CallDLL
Bastiaan Olij
- O7:Multiuser extra
Bastiaan Olij
- wifi omnis native datafile
Bastiaan Olij
- Best Omnis Replacement Opinions Please
Bastiaan Olij
- Best Omnis Replacement Opinions Please
Bastiaan Olij
- Best Omnis Replacement Opinions Please
Bastiaan Olij
- wifi omnis native datafile
Bastiaan Olij
- wifi omnis native datafile
Bastiaan Olij
- Best Omnis Replacement Opinions Please -- augment is a good approach
Bastiaan Olij
- Best Omnis Replacement Opinions Please -- augment is a good approach
Bastiaan Olij
- O$.523/Mac OS 10.8.5 : Return value seems lost.
Bastiaan Olij
- O$.523/Mac OS 10.8.5 : Return value seems lost.
Bastiaan Olij
- O$.523/Mac OS 10.8.5 : Return value seems lost.
Bastiaan Olij
- O$.523/Mac OS 10.8.5 : Return value seems lost.
Bastiaan Olij
- O$.523/Mac OS 10.8.5 : Return value seems lost.
Bastiaan Olij
- O$.523/Mac OS 10.8.5 : Return value seems lost.
Bastiaan Olij
- O$.523/Mac OS 10.8.5 : Return value seems lost.
Bastiaan Olij
- $sessionobject.$readonly.$canassign(UnfortunatelyNot)
Bastiaan Olij
- O$, Postgres, LIKE
Bastiaan Olij
- O$, Postgres, LIKE --> use ilike
Bastiaan Olij
- O$, Postgres, LIKE --> use ilike and anything else that works
Bastiaan Olij
- Fwd: Controlling CTRL+C
Bastiaan Olij
- Controlling CTRL+C
Bastiaan Olij
- Changing maxlines in trace log
Bastiaan Olij
- O$6 and Windows Terminal Server
Bastiaan Olij
- O$6 and Windows Terminal Server
Bastiaan Olij
- Batch processing of $sqltext
Bastiaan Olij
- problems with windows 8 and omnis studio 4.3.1
- Studio on OS X 10.10 Yosemite
Alain Stouder OmnisNews
- Omnis Version for Mac OS X Mavericks
Alain Stouder OmnisNews
- Best Omnis Replacement Opinions Please
Alain Stouder OmnisNews
- Aqua Connect and Studio
Reg Paling
- Aqua Connect and Studio
Reg Paling
- O$6.x: headed list selected lines color
Grzegorz (Greg) Pasternak
- List Searches
Andrew Pavey
- ODB StartupItems File
Mirko Pepa
- ODB StartupItems File
Mirko Pepa
- O7 - Use of SOAP WebService
Andreas Pfeiffer
- iCloud / Omnis database feature idea
Dr. Gary Connor Ph.D.
- O$, Postgres, LIKE --> use ilike and anything else that works
Mark Phillips
- SMTPSend and Omnis 6.0.2
Jim Pistrang
- Omnis Version for Mac OS X Mavericks
Jim Pistrang
- SMTPSend and Omnis 6.0.2
Jim Pistrang
- Best Omnis Replacement Opinions Please
Anja Polterauer
- Best Omnis Replacement Opinions Please
Stephane Pras
- Best Omnis Replacement Opinions Please
Stephane Pras
- Omnis Studio discussions to Google Groups.
Stephane Pras
- Best Omnis Replacement Opinions Please
Stephane Pras
- Converting from Omni5 to Omnis7
Stephane Pras
- Converting from Omni5 to Omnis7
Stephane Pras
- Converting from Omni5 to Omnis7
Stephane Pras
- Converting from Omni5 to Omnis7
Stephane Pras
- O$.523/Mac OS 10.8.5 : Return value seems lost.
Stephane Pras
- O$.523/Mac OS 10.8.5 : Return value seems lost.
Stephane Pras
- O$.523/Mac OS 10.8.5 : Return value seems lost.
Stephane Pras
- Controlling CTRL+C
Stephane Pras
- Controlling CTRL+C
Stephane Pras
- ODB StartupItems File
Stephane Pras
- O$ - Select Files - Multiple Files
Nick Renders
- Best Omnis Replacement Opinions Please -- augment is a good approach
Dan Ridinger
- O$, Postgres, LIKE --> use ilike and anything else that works
Dan Ridinger
- CISCO/Linksys router RV042
Brauch Rolf
- iCloud / Omnis database feature idea
Marc De Roover
- Aqua Connect and Studio
Marc De Roover
- O$, Postgres, LIKE
Michael Rowan
- O$, Postgres, LIKE
Michael Rowan
- O$, Postgres, LIKE --> use ilike
Michael Rowan
- O7:Multiuser
Daniel Sananes
- O7:Multiuser extra
Daniel Sananes
- SV: O7:Multiuser
Daniel Sananes
- SV: Converting from Omni5 to Omnis7
Daniel Sananes
- O$6 and Windows Terminal Server
Alan Schmidt
- O$6 and Windows Terminal Server
Alan Schmidt
- Studio on OS X 10.10 Yosemite
Erik Hagemeijer | Hagemeijer Automatisering Services
- Omnis Version for Mac OS X Mavericks
Greg Simpson
- SV: O$ 5 and FrontBase 5
- Best Omnis Replacement Opinions Please
Tom Stecki
- wifi omnis native datafile
Bill Steer
- AW: Best Omnis Replacement Opinions Please
Brian Steerwood
- SMTPSend and Omnis 6.0.2
Andrew Stolarz
- Omnis Studio discussions to Google Groups.
Andrew Stolarz
- iCloud / Omnis database feature idea
Andrew Stolarz
- O$ - shortcut keys. Comment / Uncomment code
Andrew Stolarz
- Studio on OS X 10.10 Yosemite
Alain Stouder
- Studio on OS X 10.10 Yosemite
Alain Stouder
- Studio on OS X 10.10 Yosemite
Alain Stouder
- Blank screen on loading Runtime under Win 7
Alain Stouder
- wifi omnis native datafile
Kim Sumner
- Best Omnis Replacement Opinions Please -- augment is a good approach
Terence J. young, DC
- Best Omnis Replacement Opinions Please -- augment is a good approach
Terence J. young, DC
- Best Omnis Replacement Opinions Please -- augment is a good approach
Terence J. young, DC
- $sessionobject.$readonly.$canassign(UnfortunatelyNot)
Terence J. young, DC
- AW: Best Omnis Replacement Opinions Please -- augment is a good approach
Terence J. young, DC
- Batch processing of $sqltext
Terence J. young, DC
- O7: can't access Data File tools
Mike Ternasky
- O7: can't access Data File tools
Mike Ternasky
- O7: Cannot access Data File Tools
Mike Ternasky
- O7: Cannot access Data File Tools
Mike Ternasky
- Best Omnis Replacement Opinions Please
Richard Ure
- SMTPSend and Omnis 6.0.2
Marten Verhoeven
- problems with windows 8 and omnis studio 4.3.1
Maurizio Vico
- AW: problems with windows 8 and omnis studio 4.3.1
Maurizio Vico
- O$.523/Mac OS 10.8.5 : Return value seems lost.
Jean-Marc Voegeli
- O$.523/Mac OS 10.8.5 : Return value seems lost.
Jean-Marc Voegeli
- O$.523/Mac OS 10.8.5 : Return value seems lost.
Jean-Marc Voegeli
- O$.523/Mac OS 10.8.5 : Return value seems lost.
Jean-Marc Voegeli
- O$.523/Mac OS 10.8.5 : Return value seems lost.
Jean-Marc Voegeli
- O$: long delay in starting Studio 5.x
Faulkner White
- O$: long delay in starting Studio 5.x
Faulkner White
- O$: Dot Net
Faulkner White
- Best Omnis Replacement Opinions Please
Dr Caroline Wilkins
- O7: Cannot access Data File Tools
Wizardcompserv at aol.com
- O7:Multiuser
Wizardcompserv at aol.com
- O7:Multiuser extra
Wizardcompserv at aol.com
- wifi omnis native datafile
Wizardcompserv at aol.com
- Omnis Studio discussions to Google Groups.
Wizardcompserv at aol.com
- List Searches
Wizardcompserv at aol.com
- Next Window in order...
Wizardcompserv at aol.com
- O7 - Use of SOAP WebService
- O7 - Use of SOAP WebService
- O$ 5 and FrontBase 5
- Passing Omnis constants as parameters to a method
brian.os at verizon.net
- Blank screen on loading Runtime under Win 7
ben.butler at w16.co.uk
Last message date:
Mon Jun 30 18:56:11 EDT 2014
Archived on: Tue Nov 3 18:17:12 EST 2020
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).