encxtea() encryption function question

Kelly Burgess kellyb at montana.com
Mon Jul 7 00:08:32 EDT 2014

Hi Jeff,

>How long is 128 bits???

At 8 bits per byte, a non-unicode string of 16 ascii characters would be 128 bits.

Never tried those functions, but this seems to work as documented:

  Calculate bin1 as chartoutf8('This is a test')
  Calculate key as chartoutf8('abcdefgh12345678')     ;; 16 bytes is 128 bits
  Calculate bin2 as encxtea(bin1,key)
  Calculate string1 as utf8tochar(bin2)
  Calculate bin3 as decxtea(bin2,key)
  Calculate string2 as utf8tochar(bin3)

At the breakpoint, string2 was 'This is a test' .


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