ODBC connection error 08001 (Hi Jim Creak)

Clifford Ilkay clifford_ilkay at dinamis.com
Tue Dec 30 01:14:18 EST 2014

On 12/29/2014 05:56 PM, Peter Suter wrote:
> G'day,
> I've spent days trying to resolve a problem accessing an Omnis datafile via ODBC on Windows 8 and have finally found something that works; posting it here will help me find the fix quicker when there is a next time.
> The error messages have "suggested" the DSN itself being the problem, but with the .Net side saying "always use a System DSN" and the Omnis side "always use a User DSN" those error messages and suggestions have been "time consuming".
> Finally, trying a database component in a new version of Visual Studio I got the 08001 error, and found Jim's message (all over the web) and on the list as "Trying to connect to Datafile using ODBC and PHP,error when datafile on network computer"
> That error message was:
> ---------------------------
> Microsoft Visual Studio
> ---------------------------
> ERROR [08001] Unable to read disk (bad disk)
> ---------------------------
> OK   
> ---------------------------
> The suggested solution was to run check disk on the drive (didn't find anything).
> After moving the datafile to another drive .. no error.

chkdisk only checks filesystem integrity. Use something like
smartmontools available on SystemRescueCD <http://www.sysresccd.org/>
(bootable CD or USB key) to query the drive's SMART attributes
<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/S.M.A.R.T.>. All modern drives support it.


Clifford Ilkay

+1 647-778-8696

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